Youth Gathering Update


As the weather starts to warm, we realize that summer and the National Youth Gathering is fast approaching. Due to the generosity of our church family, we have our airline tickets and down payment of our registration and hotel rooms paid for. At present, that leaves $3640.00 in our bank account with the following due: Registration completion ($2600.00, due by May 15th , the balance of the hotel rooms (due upon check out) $4914.00, for a total due of $7,514.00. This leaves us $3,874.00 left to raise. We will have one more event at which you can donate towards our cause. On the next 5th Sunday, April 29th, we will host a baked spaghetti plate sale after the combined worship service. We do ask for your support of these events. As always, any other donations would be greatly appreciated. This event is always a highlight for the youth and your generosity and support is a reflection of the love you have for our young people. Thanks again from all of the participants: Wyatt and Bowen Strang, Felder and Davis Fogle, Bree and Chase Plesko, Katie Fischer, Kathleen Dial, Krista Spoores, Max Roehrs, Pastor and Beth Fischer and Amy Goodson.

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference

WELCA Foothills Spring Conference

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has not pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?  Dear children, letu us not love, in word or speech, but in truth and action.   1 John 3 16-18

Our speaker will be Cindy Sanders, Executive Director with Pickens County Habitat for Humanity and a member of University Lutheran.  Our church plays an important role in helping support the ministry of the work that is done by this very worthwhile organization.  The Pickens County Habitat for Humanity is part of the global, non-profit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seek to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities and hope.



  • Welcome – Pastor Jon Heiliger
  • Guest Speaker – Cindy Sanders/Rosey Davis
  • Lunch
  • Business Session
  • Door Prizes

University Lutheran Church

111 Sloan Street, Clemson, SC 29631

Please RSVP by March 10, 2018

Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Date: Saturday, March 17, 2018

Please Contact Roz Eckardt: 225-3810 or if you will be attending and for carpooling information.


During Lent many use this time to practice “giving up” something while others may practice “taking up” something. What if you could do both? This Lenten season, the Health Ministry Committee invites you to “take up” healthy eating while “giving up some” of the ingredients and cooking practices that make our food less healthy. Starting Sunday, February 11th, every week, there will be a week’s worth of recipes available from the “Seasoning Lent” cookbook from Church Health. This cookbook includes healthy recipes, reflections, and prayer. The recipes are not only healthy but also easy and family friendly. These weekly packets of recipes will be in the Narthex each Sunday. Please take one per family. Please let Amy Goodson know if more copies are needed. Also, we will be starting a Lenten walking devotional starting Saturday, February 17th at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Please contact Amy Goodson if you are interested in participating and if you need a devotional.

Sunday February 18th LCY church youth project

The LCY will be working with the children of the church during the Sunday School hour on
Sunday, February 18th on a special Lenten project.
All youth and children will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45 a.m.

February 11th Bold Women Day

Bold Women Day is coming up on February 11th. It is a celebration of women within the ELCA and specifically within HTLC. Please join us as we honor the women of the church.

Youth Activities for December2017

12/6 – Put up and decorate the Chrismon tree after the midweek Advent worship service.
12/16 — Christmas Party at the Goodson Farm at 5:00 p.m. (note the date change). This will be for all current and past LCY members! Come join the fun and bring a $10.00 gift to exchange.
12/20 – Prepare supper for mid-week Advent meal. Mrs. Goodson will call/email/text you with your assigned item. Please have your item at the church by 4:00 p.m. when we will start cooking. If you can’t be there at 4:00 p.m., be there as soon as you can. We will need some kids and adults to stay to clean up.

Thank you from the youth group

On Reformation Sunday, by providing a fifth Sunday meal, our Youth raised a total of $867.00 to help with the cost of The Youth Gathering next year. Our thanks to all of the parents, grandparents and friends and especially our church family for your generous donations! Amy Goodson

Revamping of the Visitation Committee

Revamping of Committee
We are in the process of starting back up the Visitation Committee. We are looking for a handful of folks who have a calling to visit our homebound members and occasionally to visit those in the hospital. Meetings would be minimum. The emphasis of this committee will be to work hand-in-hand with Pastor Fischer in these areas of ministry. If you are interested, simply contact the pastor via email, cell phone, or in person.


How would you like to make small changes and simple lifestyle improvements in your health and to grow in faith? Starting Saturday, September 23rd, we will embark on a six week journey using the “Walking With Paul” devotional. This is a daily walking program which includes reflection on Paul’s ministry as well as simple diet changes to care for mind, body and soul! We will meet as a group each Saturday to discuss our journey and to get tips on diet, stress reduction and more. In order to have enough devotional books for all, you need to sign up on the sheet in the narthex. As the seasons change, won’t you take this opportunity to make some healthy lifestyle changes?
Group leader, Amy Goodson

Sept 16th HTLC Ladies Tea

Wear your pearls, fancy hats, and gloves and remember this is for all ladies in our church from one to hundred!