HTLC Women of the ELCA
WELCA Purpose Statement:
As a community of women
Created in the image of God
Called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and
Empowered by the Holy Spirit
We commit ourselves to
Grow in faith,
Affirm our gifts,
Support one another in our callings,
Engage in ministry and action, and
Promote healing and wholeness
In the church, the society, and the world.
Our Mission:
To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
2016 Holy Trinity WELCA Board Members:
Beth Fischer, President
Beth Cribbe, Vice President
Nancy Scalf, Treasurer
Diane Richardson, Secretary
Circles meet every month except:
Katie’s Ladies: June, July, August
Luther’s Ladies: June, July, August
Details on meetings can be found in Sunday bulletins and monthly newsletter, The Messenger.
Katie’s Ladies
Leader: Beth Cribbe
2nd Tuesday’s each month 2 PM
HTLC Office Conference Room
Luther’s Ladies
Leaders: Beth Fischer
3rd Thursday each month 6:00 PM
HTLC Office Conference Room
Attending circle groups is a good way to get to know the ladies in our church and share God’s love.
Quilters Group
Wednesday Group
Leader: Jane Potter
2nd Wednesday Each Month
2PM – 5PM
Leader: Jane Potter
Group meets every month except June, July, August and December
Saturday Group
Leader: Nancy Korn
4th Saturday Each Month
9AM – 12PM
Fellowship Hall quilting room
Group meets every month except November and December
Completed quilts are donated to Lutheran World Relief.
Anyone can participate — no experience required.
SC WELCA Annual Convention 2024
Fri. & Sat., June 21 & 22
Location: St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Summerville, SC
Theme: “Just Love”
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Gregory Van Dyke
Rev. Gregory Van Dyke (Pastor Greg) has served as pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church since August 2016.
Pastor Greg’s community involvement has consisted of serving as Captain of a local volunteer ambulance service (past),
and Chaplain of a Disaster Mortuary Response Team (present).
- Bible Study
- Craft with Marcie Vyse
- Neighbors Together Program
- Pottery with Pastor Roger Clark
- Q&A with your board and CWO
- Staying Healthy As We Age
- Thrivent workshop on financial planning
- Trip to Art on the Square Gallery
- Truth in Healing
There will also be entertainment, food, fellowship and prayer.
South Carolina Women of the ELCA page
WELCA Sunday 05/06/2018
WELCA Tea Party