9/27/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


A couple of reminders to pass along to you:

  • Don’t forget that all council nominations are due by this Sunday, September 27.  If you have someone in mind (or several people) whom you feel would be a good candidate to serve on the church council, the simplest way to do this is to send your list of names to Pat in the church office via email.
  • Our Zoom congregational VBS program begins Sunday and runs for until the end of October.  This material is for all ages, not just the children, and has already been paid for.  We thought we would give it a try and if it works out, there are other sessions available next year. You will need to register using the link in the bulletin.  If you have any questions, please contact Kate Roehrs.
  • On Sunday, October 4, our Presiding Bishop, Bishop Eaton, will be installing our recently elected bishop of the SC Synod, The Rev. Ginny Aebischer.  This will take place at Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Columbia and you are invited to join in via Zoom.  This service will be live streamed on the Synod website:  www.scsynod.com
  • We keep in our prayers Bryan Hill who had a major heart attack on Tuesday morning while checking in at the hospital to have a heart catherization.  He is in critical condition in the AnMed CICU.   We pray for Kim and the family as well, during this difficult time.
  • This past Sunday saw our largest attendance yet with a total of 75!  We had 33 at the Early Service and 42 at the Late Service.
  • The Inurnment Service has been set for Elaine Rummage.  If you would like to attend, this brief service will take place at the Dolly Cooper Veterans Cemetery on Tuesday, October 6 at 10:00 a.m.  In case you are wondering during this COVID time, it will take place outside at the pavilion.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


09/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

  • I will be conducting the Memorial Service at the graveside of Dick and Mary Williams on Saturday, October 3 at 2:00 p.m. at Memory Gardens, Central, SC.  You are invited to attend.  Please note that social distancing will be observed and masks are recommended.

  • For our sermon message this Sunday, I will be preaching on the Old Testament reading of Jonah 3:10-4:11 and Matthew 20:1-16.  We will be exploring the age old truth that “Life Isn’t Fair!” and grappling with whether God is fair.

  • If you have someone in mind who you feel would be a good candidate to serve on the church council, please submit their name (or several names) into the Suggestion Box or simply email Pat Ross in the church office your suggestions.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

9/13/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Friday is the 19th anniversary of 9/11.  Please remember to keep our nation in your thoughts and prayers and for all those who still bear the emotional scars of the horrible events of that day.  We continue to pray for all first responders, firefighters, paramedics, rescue personnel, police officers, and military personnel, who put their lives at risk daily for the sake of others. 


On Sunday, I will be preaching on the subject of forgiveness.  The text is Matthew 18:21-35.  In preparation for this, I ask you to read, meditate and pray over this passage.   

Some thoughts to ponder:

  • How many times are we to forgive someone?
  • What exactly does that mean to forgive someone?
  • What does it look like and feel like?
  • We often hear that we are to “forgive and forget,” but is this good theology?
  • Is it easier to give forgiveness or receive forgiveness?
  • Isn’t it strange that the most difficult person to forgive is usually ourselves?


Worship in the sanctuary went very well this past Sunday and no issues were uncovered.  We plan to meet again this Sunday, for those who are comfortable doing so.  I pray you will either join us in-person or through the internet.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


9/6/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

It is here!  We are finally about to return to in-person worship in the sanctuary.  I realize that this is not an option for those uncomfortable being in crowds, due to COVID-19, but for others, it is a long time in waiting.  For those planning to attend worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, please keep in mind the following as you enter the church:

  • You are strongly encouraged to wear a mask.  Masks will be provided at the door, if you need one.
  • You may enter either through the front doors or the ramp door.
  • An offering plate will be at each door to receive your tithes and offerings.
  • We will be using every other pew, making sure to sit on the ends of each pew.
  • Seats will be marked with a bulletin of possibilities where you might sit.
  • The ushers will assist in the process.
  • Holy Communion will be served at both worship services using wafers, and not bread.
  • We will not be gathering at the altar, but instead, a Communion station will be on the floor level.
  • I will be reviewing all the worship and Communion instructions in the announcements so please be on time. 

I will be preaching on the timely topic of settling differences.  In preparation for this, I ask you to read over and pray over the Gospel text, Matthew 18:15-20.  Please ask yourself these questions as you read:

  • What does Jesus say we are to do with those who sin against us?
  • What are the steps?
  • Are these steps only for settling disagreements in the church?
  • What would our nation/our world look like if we all practiced the words of Jesus in settling our disputes/disagreements with each other?

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer