Committee’s are a great way to become active and give back to your church
Here is a list of committee’s at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and a brief summary of what they do:
Worship committee:
- Assist the Congregation Council in seeing that worship services are conducted regularly.
- Assure that sufficient copies of the approved Lutheran worship book(s) are provided and properly cared for.
- Assure that other supplies needed in the conduct of public worship are provided.
- In cooperation with and under the direction of the pastor(s), see that acolytes, crucifers, torchbearers, lectors, assisting ministers, and ushers are recruited and properly trained.
- Recruit, train and supervise the organist/choir director and youth choir director;
- Assist the Music Director in recruiting members for the choirs, see that adequate music supplies appropriate for use in the worship of this congregation are provided, and arrange for the proper care of the musical instruments of this congregation;
- Arrange, through an Altar Guild, for the adequate provision and care of choir and clergy vestments, paraments, altar/communion linens and communion ware; and provide for and
supervise a Nursery Keeper for regular worship services and Sunday School.
Learning committee
- Recruit and train officers and teachers for the various schools of this congregation.
- Determine curriculum materials to be used in the schools of the congregation and see that these materials are available, in sufficient numbers, when they are to be used;
- Maintain library books, filmstrips, videos, films, etc. and provide for the upkeep of the congregation’s audio-visual equipment;
Witness committee
- Seek to create the necessary “climate” essential to witness ministry;
- Recruit and train members to serve as “parish callers;”
- Plan for and carry out regular visits to prospective members and inactive or unresponsive member families;
- Assist the pastor in enrolling prospective members in the Pastor’s Information Class;
- Recruit and assign “sponsors” for new member families;
- Periodically study the congregation in the context of the surrounding community to determine needs for special witness ministry efforts or programs or activities; and identify, recruit, train, and oversee persons with expertise in computer applications/website authoring as a Website/Communications subcommittee to make full use of all appropriate technologies for promoting the church and its activities.
Service committee
- Seek to make members of this congregation aware of situations within the congregation and community where our ministry of Christian love and compassion is needed;
- Keep in close touch with the sick and shut-ins by such methods as visits, telephone calls, or cards and seek to provide assistance, where needed, with meals and transportation;
- Assist in ministry “to and with” the aged and aging in this congregation;
- Cooperate with other churches and/or agencies within the community in a united effort to serve needs of the community;
- Have the responsibility to study social conditions, primarily in the local community, in order to bring the cleansing and healing light of Christian truth to bear upon critical programs through thoughtful discussion of facts and issues
- Lay before the Congregation Council proposals for action issuing from such a study and discussion; and
- Identify, recruit, train, and oversee persons with healthcare expertise as a Health subcommittee to provide health-related information and assistance to members of the congregation as needed.
Property committee
- Provide for the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation (grounds, buildings and equipment);
- Inspect, at least semi-annually, all property and recommend needed improvements to the Congregation Council;
- Supervise the church sexton (janitor) in the fulfillment of his/her responsibilities and provide the supplies and equipment needed;
- Have charge of and supervision over all maintenance work and installation of new equipment;
- Complete an inventory of all items/equipment (tables, chairs, etc.) belonging to the church every three years as required for insurance purposes;
- Plan and organize at least two “congregational workdays” each year.
Support committee
- In the area of STEWARDSHIP:
- Endeavor to promote the expression of Christian faith in daily living;
- Lead and encourage all members of this congregation to higher levels of proportionate giving to support this congregation’s local, synodical, national, and world-wide ministries;
- Be responsible for the annual Every Member Response Program and other congregational efforts which lead to informed and grateful giving.
- In the area of FINANCE:
- Oversee all financial affairs of the congregation to make sure they are being conducted efficiently;
- Receive reports of budget needs to support the various congregational ministries from appropriate parish committees and groups;
- Prepare a draft budget for the succeeding year, including the congregation’s full indicated share in support of the wider ministry being carried on by synodical and churchwide agencies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America;
- Submit this draft budget to the Congregation Council for its action and later approval at a congregational meeting;
- See that all obligations of the congregation are paid promptly and that benevolence monies are forwarded monthly to the synod through appropriate channels;
- Exercise responsibility by direction of the Congregation Council for the congregation’s investments and banking procedures; and at least quarterly report financial status to congregation.
Mutual ministry committee
This committee serves in response to our Lutheran understanding of the church which sees ministry as being shared by all the baptized people of God. At no time can we assume that only the pastors are responsible for ministry. The whole people of God have a ministry with and to one another which is a mutual ministry. Out of this theological awareness emerges the rationale behind a congregational mutual ministry committee. The Mutual Ministry Committee shall:
- Promote open communication concerning the attitudes and conditions within the congregation;
- Look for early warnings of misunderstanding within the congregation;
- Provide a “listening post” for the pastors and congregation;
- Aid in conflict resolution;
- Provide a sounding board for the pastor(s) in time of personal or professional stress;
- Help the pastor(s) to identify continuing education that will assist their ministry and the goals of the congregation;
- Have concern for the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of the pastor.
Future ministries committee:
This committee shall research and recommend future course(s) of action to the Congregation Council and the congregation. Its description is as follows:
- It shall consist of five lay members, one of whom shall be a member of Congregation council, plus the Congregation Council President and the Pastor, both ex-officio members. The Committee will select its chair.
- Its task will be to assess the congregation’s present and future ministry needs, including but not limited to:
- present congregational and individual ministry efforts;
- community, synod and ELCA ministry needs;
- ELCA guidelines and ministry ideas;
- present congregational, synodical and ELCA resources;
- interests or abilities within the congregation.
- Each year, the Committee will, as a result of its assessment, decide on future ministry efforts of the congregation and will communicate these, in the form of one- and five- year goals, to the Congregation Council and to the congregation at its semi-annual meeting in February.
- This Committee will thus have three functions:
- Research on what we have done and what there is to be done;
- Education of the congregation on needs and resources;
- Leadership in determining goals and in promoting those goals within the congregation.
Fellowship and recreation committee
- study fellowship needs within the congregation;
- plan and organize fellowship and recreational activities which seek to involve and energize all segments of the congregation;
- coordinate their activities with other groups and committees of the congregation;
- be responsible for kitchen supplies and training in the use of kitchen equipment.
Youth committee
- It is comprised of the Pastor, the Youth Enabler, at least on youth member, parents, and other members of the congregation who are called to serve the young people of the church:
- Support the ministry of the Lutheran Church Youth (LCY) by:
- Planning activities;
- Chaperoning activities, as needed;
- Providing meals for meetings;
- Helping with fundraising;
- Communicating news of activities to both youth and their parents;
- Review and balance the LCY bank account activity annually; and
- Meet at least twice a year and as needed for special events.
Personnel committee
- Be responsible for developing and drafting job descriptions, personnel policy, guideline statements, and personnel procedures for all staff members;
- Be responsible for clarifying any job function as may be required;
- Consult with each individual staff prior to an annual performance review to assess concerns and needs of each staff member;
- Be responsible for the review of contracts and or job descriptions for the staff;
- Act in accordance with other committees or individuals, which may have direct responsibility for supervision and administration of staff personnel;
- Provide appropriate and timely documents for all council/congregational approved changes in the contracts/job descriptions for the staff;
- Review annually the compensation and other benefits of the staff;
- Make budget recommendations to the Support Committee by September 1;
- Serve in a capacity for conflict resolution among staff;
- Be responsible for all employment recommendations with the exception of the Pastor’s Call; and
- Serve as the exit interview group when staff members leave employment.
Congregation council personnel committee
- Be composed of (6) members one of whom is a current member of congregation council;
- Serve for three year terms;
- Replace a committee member should a vacancy occur;
- Appoint a committee chairperson annually, who may serve consecutive and/or multiple terms at the committee’s discretion; and
- Meet at the discretion of the chairperson, congregation council, or the Executive Committee.