4/25/21 Blood Drive has been cancelled
We have received word that the blood drive for 4/25/21 has been cancelled
We will let everyone know when it will be rescheduled.
We have received word that the blood drive for 4/25/21 has been cancelled
We will let everyone know when it will be rescheduled.
Sunday October 15th, HTLC will have the AnMed Health Blood center donation vehicle at our church from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Please come with extra time to donate blood.
The next congregational BLOOD DRIVE will be Sunday, October 15th — watch for sign- up sheets.
Holy Trinity sponsors a Blood Drive twice a year in March and October of each year at the church, cooperating with the Anmed blood center. Members may donate more often at the Hospital, making sure to note that the donation is for Holy Trinity. The congregation is part of the Blood Assurance Program which enables members in need of transfusions to receive them without cost.