Our Semi-Annual meeting of the congregation will be held February 9th at 9:50 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. At this meeting the officers of the congregation, staff, committee chairs, organization presidents/leaders will present a brief report highlighting the accomplishments of the previous ministry year. There will be a light breakfast provided.


Souper Bowl Sunday is February 9th. The LCY will once again be participating in Souper Bowl Sunday. On Super Bowl Sunday, the biggest eating day in the US, we will be focusing on hunger in our own community. The youth will be in the back of the church after both worship services with large soup pots to collect funds which will go to AIM. Your generosity is appreciated.
Following the 11:00 worship service that day, the LCY will meet in the Fellowship Hall for their monthly meeting and a Super Bowl party of their own.

1/12/25 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

• I am sure the first thing you want to know is whether we will have church services Sunday, with the impending weather to come upon us. My answer is of course, “God only knows.” Beth Cribbe, the Congregational President, and I will be conferring with each other on Saturday, watching the weather reports and if we decide to cancel Sunday services, we will activate the Congregational Call List. The big question is how will the roads be on Sunday morning after a very hard freeze Saturday night? Stay tuned.

• This coming Sunday is the Baptism of our Lord Sunday, a time when we focus on the meaning of Jesus being baptized and what that means for us. I will be preaching on the gospel text, Luke 3:15-17, 21-22. At the Late Service, we will be baptizing Lilian Ruth Bannister!

• Thank you for the tremendous response to filling the volunteer position in delivering the canned goods to Good Neighbor Cupboard. Quite a few of you offered to help out. Beginning in February, Jim and Leslie Trant will be assuming this responsibility.

• We keep in our prayers:
o Paul Wagner – upon his recent hip replacement surgery.
o Drake Dial – upon his recent ear surgery.

• We still have the following dates open to provide flowers on the altar for 2025. If you are interested in any of these, please send me a reply with the information:
o February 2
o February 9
o February 16
o August 10
o August 17
o September 7
o November 23

Enjoy the snow, stay warm and safe.

In Christ,
Pastor Fischer

1/8/25 Family Fun Night

Our next Family Fun Night will be on Wednesday, January 8th . We will meet in Fellowship
Hall for a time of Food, Fun & Fellowship around a Biblical theme. Adults and Kids of all ages
are invited to join us! There will be crafts, games, and song. The meal will be provided.
WHEN: Wednesday, January 8th
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
“I Am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods.”

01/05/25 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • We are looking for someone in the congregation who is willing to take the food items donated to Good Neighbor Cupboard. This would involve one trip, every other month.  If you are interested in fighting hunger in the Anderson area in this way, or if you have a question, please let me know.

  • While most of the world already has Christmas packed away until next year, not the Church.  This coming Sunday is the 2nd Sunday of Christmas on the church calendar, which means we are still in the season of Christmas and will be singing Christmas hymns one last time.

  • With Holy Communion taking place Sunday, I remind you that our Canticle of Praise is very fitting for this time of the year, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on earth.”  Luke 2:14, records the shepherds in the fields encountering the news of the angelic hosts.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the Old Testament reading from Jeremiah (31:7-14) as we explore what it means to be “home.”  Questions to ponder:
    • What does “home” mean to you?
    • What qualities of “being home” are special to you?
    • I often hear members of our congregation make the comment, “The first time I entered the sanctuary of Holy Trinity, it just felt like home.”  Would you agree with this statement?
    • God is always concerned about brining His people “home.”  What does that mean to you?

  • Our next Family Fun Night will take place on Wednesday of next week, beginning at 5:30 p.m.  We will be looking at the first commandment to have no other gods but God Almighty.

  • We keep Shelley Carroll in our thoughts and prayers as she recovers from surgery earlier this week.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

12/29/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • We had a great time Christmas Caroling as a congregation this past Sunday evening with 22 participants.  Photos will be included in the next newsletter.

  • Speaking of which, the January Messenger will be mailed out on Tuesday of next week.

  • We had two wonderful Christmas Eve worship services on Tuesday evening with 93 attending the 4:00 p.m. service and 52 attending the 11:00 p.m. service.  Both worship services were recorded, thank you Connor Caldwell, and are now on the church website, thank you Paul Wagner.

    If you provided a poinsettia for our Christmas Eve Services, please pick up at your convenience.  A reminder that the three white poinsettias are to remain in the sanctuary for the entire Christmas season.

  • Don’t forget that with this coming Sunday being a 5th Sunday, there will be One Combined Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.  We will NOT be having Sunday School or a Potluck meal this day. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

12/22/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  • If I had to pick one word to describe our Congregational Christmas Pageant last Sunday, it would be “WOW!!!”  What an incredible blessing for all of us to witness the retelling of the Christ Child’s birth through a pageant.  Our “Thank You” goes out to Brenda McGowan, Virgil Hobbs, Kris Yon and to the entire cast.  If you haven’t seen it yet, please make sure to check out the church website and watch this worship service.  There are still a few leftover Pageant bulletins in the narthex.

  • If it seemed like a lot of folks in church this past Sunday, and you are wondering just how many were in attendance, we had 98 at the Late Service!

  • The new Christ In Our Home devotionals, for January – March, are now in the narthex.

  • Great news, the digital lock on the front door is now working.  We had been waiting for several months for a part to be shipped to us.

  • If you would like a 2025 calendar, they are in the narthex, courtesy of McDougald Funeral Home.

  • Congratulations to Lauren Guthre and Patrick Sayers who were united in Holy Matrimony this past Saturday.  We pray God’s blessings upon this couple in their new life together.

  • Well, one person so far has responded to my email I sent out last week, seeking more adult acolytes for next year.  If you are interested in serving the Lord in this way next year, just send me a reply.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Luke 1:39-55 as we take another look at the similarities and difference between Mary and Elizabeth, finding out that they will be expecting a miracle child.  In preparation for this message, I encourage you to read the entire first chapter of Luke.

  • Sunday afternoon, we will gather in Fellowship Hall for our annual Christmas Caroling and Chili event.  If you would like to go Christmas Caroling with us to some of our local Senior Living communities, we will begin to gather at 4:45 p.m. and head out promptly at 5:00 p.m. This would be the perfect opportunity to wear your favorite Christmas sweater, and Santa/Reindeer hat.  We plan to arrive back at the church at 7:00 p.m. for some wonderful homemade chili, sandwiches, and desserts.  Come join us for an afternoon of fun!

  • As you make your plans for Christmas Eve, I remind you that we are offering two entirely different worship opportunities for December 24.  At 4:00 p.m.  our Service of Lessons and Carols w/Holy Communion and Candle lighting will take place.  This is a more family-oriented service with a Children’s Sermon and a nursery will be provided.  Holy Communion will be by intinction. Then at 11:00 p.m. our Liturgical Service w/Holy Communion and Candle lighting will take place.  Holy Communion will be at the altar, similar to what we do on Sunday mornings.  This service is for those who desire to be in worship together during the midnight hour of Christmas Day.  [Note: I will be preaching at both worship services.]


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

12/15/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • A big “thank you” to all who helped with last week’s Congregational Workday.  It was 26 degrees Saturday morning but we got the work down that was needed.

  • Every Christmas we preorder 35 poinsettias for our Christmas Eve worship services.  To date we have 28 spoken for, leaving 7 still to be sponsored. If you would like to place a flower in the church In Memory Of or In Honor of someone on Christmas Eve, please respond to this email with your name, the number of flowers, and the occasion you would like to be printed in the bulletin. They are $13.00.

  • If you have not heard, Brookdale has been bought by Sylvara. This senior living facility will no longer provide meals or transportation which is forcing some residents to find other locations.  I tell you this as some of our members will be relocating soon.  Please keep all residents of this facility in your prayers.

  • Nancy Korn has been busy planning the worship schedule for 2025 using the information you recently provided in your Time and Talent sheets. We still would like to have a few more acolytes at both the Early and Late Services, adults and children.  Training will be provided.  If you would like to serve the Lord in this way, just let me know.

  • This coming Sunday, you will have the option of two different worship services to attend, concerning the liturgy.  The Early Service (8:45 a.m.) will have its regular liturgy with a sermon and scripture readings, as we do every Sunday.  The congregational Christmas Pageant will take place as part of the Late Service (11:00 a.m.).  This service will be an abbreviated liturgy, with the message given through the pageant.

  • Wednesday evening will be our final Midweek Advent Meal (6:00 p.m.) and Worship Service (7:00 p.m.).  Our message will take at look at the angels involved in the Christ Child birth.

  • Next Sunday afternoon, December 22, our Congregational Christmas Caroling and Chili event will take place.  We will gather in Fellowship Hall beginning at 4:45 p.m. and carpooling promptly at 5:00.  Please make plans to join this fun-filled outing into the community.  We aim to be back at the church to eat by 7:00 p.m.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


12/8/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • A big “Thank You” to all who participated in the Angel Tree project this year.  Together we were able to provide 60 gifts to children in the Anderson area.  As you can see in the photo below, this was a very successful outreach project to those in our community.
  • There is a Congregational Workday this Saturday morning beginning at 9:00 a.m.  We will mostly be raking out leaves from the shrubbery, the backyard of the Luther House, and the playground area.  Please bring your favorite rake.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Luke 3:1-6, as we look to the words of John the Baptist in preparation for the coming of the Lord.

  • We will gather again on Wednesday evening for our next Midweek supper (6:00 p.m.) and worship service (7:00 p.m.).

  • We are now taking reservations for the poinsettias for our Christmas Eve Services.  If you would like to give a flower (or two) In Memory Of someone or In Honor Of someone, please fill out the form in the December newsletter or Sunday’s bulletin, drop it into the offering plate, leave it on Pat’s desk, or mail it to the church office. Plants are $13.00 each.

  • We keep in our prayers:
    • Jim Dancik, who underwent shoulder replacement surgery earlier this morning.
    • Jim Trant and family, upon the death of his mother, Barbara Cheatham.
    • Bobbi Metz and family, upon the death of her sister, Anne Landers.
    • Joby Hefner, mother of Jamie Corrigan, upon breaking her wrist.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Angel Tree 2024

Angel Tree
1. All tags have been taken. Thanks!!  Please do not wrap gifts.
2. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office parlor (use door code).
3. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Wednesday, December 4th, after which, you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to A.I.M.
4. In addition to selecting names from the Angel Tree in-person like we usually do, you also have the option of making a donation and someone from WELCA will do the shopping for you. If you would rather participate in this way, just make a check out to “Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church” and put “Angel Tree” in the Memo and drop it the offering plate or mail it to the church office. If you have any questions on any of this, please contact Nancy Scalf or Beth Fischer.