Mothers day donations

MOTHER’S DAY is Sunday, May 9th. A special offering, sponsored by WELCA, was received and then given to deserving female students at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. If you would like to make a donation In Memory Of or In Honor Of your mother, please fill out the form below. The names will be listed in the bulletin on Mother’s Day. Deadline is May 3rd.


Here is a list of Donors  

*In Memory of Corrine Sandwick, given by Robin Sandwick.
*In Memory of Mamye Morris & Beth McDowell, given by Terry & Beth Cribbe.
*In Memory of Ayleen Jordan, Alice Smith, Zefla Sidebottom, given by Kati Smith and Family.
*In Memory of Donna Grace Hannahs and Stella Ruth Rasche, given by Dave and Sue Rasche.
*In Memory of Irene Mollgaard and Hanna Schwartz, given by Tony and Christa Mollgaard.
*In Memory of Frances H. Christmas and Nettie J. Smith Christmas, Fannie Hudson, given by Bill Christmas.
*In Memory of Leona Lutz and Mary Radel, given by Warren and Bonnie Lutz.
*In Memory of Mabel Ardell Hidlebaugh and Fern Allen, given by Robert Allen and Vicki Allen.
*In Memory of Dianne C. Calloway, given by her daughter Shelley Carroll.
*In Memory of Dianne C. Calloway, given by Shelley Carroll, Amanda Price, Grant Armstrong, Rylee Carroll.
*In Memory of Dorothy Cox and Carolyne Wooddy, given by Mike & Leslie Cox.
*In Memory of Doris Richardson, given by Diane Richardson.
*In Memory of Alice Laurine Cooley & June Marie Cain, given by Dave & Nancy Korn.
*In Memory of Lottie Dyar and Mary Hall, given by Allan & Jeri Cole.
*In Memory of Marie Heape and Maude Hunnicutt, given by Dan & Johnnie Hunnicutt.
*In Memory of Allie Mae Cromer and Kaye Helgeson, given by Bruce & Jill Helgeson.
*In Memory of Marion Cannon, given by Gail Cannon.
*In Memory of Edith Brackney and Gretel Thoms, given by Ernie & Jeanette Thoms.

*In Honor of their mothers, Hervie Thomas and June Fischer, by Beth and Pastor Fischer.
*In Honor of and to the Glory of God, given by Ernie & Jeanette Thoms.


4/17/21 Operation in as much 2021 final update

Operation Inasmuch

On Saturday, April 17th thirteen people gathered and participated in a congregational litter pick up on Fritz Drive and Beltline Connector.

In addition to this, approximately 12 others participated by baking 35 dozen cookies for 120 first responders and 24 others prepared casseroles for Calvary Children’s Home.

Thank you to all who participated in this year’s projects.

4/25/21 Blood Drive has been cancelled

We have received word that the blood drive for 4/25/21 has been cancelled

We will let everyone know when it will be rescheduled.

Endowment Committee Announcement

Endowment Committee Announcement
We plan to have an Endowment Committee meeting very soon to distribute 50% of our Endowment Fund earnings to charities that the committee feels would meet our contribution guidelines.
If any of you know of a group or organization you would like for us to consider, please submit their name to me, or one of the committee members, for the committee’s review.
The request should include the name and address of the group, as well as a brief explanation as to why you feel them worthy of our support.
Thank you for your interest in this worthwhile endeavor.
Dave Rasche
Chairman Endowment Committee

Angel Tree Reminders

Angel Tree Reminders
It’s that time again….
Time to help AIM provide Christmas for many Anderson families.
1. Please do not wrap gifts.
2. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office parlor
(use door code).
3. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Sunday, December 2nd,
after which, you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to A.I.M.
4. You also have the option of making a donation and someone from
WELCA will do the shopping for you. If you would rather participate
in this way, just make a check out to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church”
and put “Angel Tree” in the Memo. If you have any questions on this,
please contact Roz Eckardt

Quilt Dedication 10/11/20

We dedicated 38 quilts on October 11th that will be shipped to the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) warehouse in Maryland. People who worked on these quilts were Jane Potter, Shirley Ebert, Roz Eckardt, Cherie Brown, Bobbi Metz, Dianne Calloway, Kim Hill, and Nancy Korn. That brings the total number of quilts made by the Holy Trinity Quilters to 408. National Quilting Day was March 21, 2020 and marked 75 years of comforting the world with LWR Mission Quilts.

Trick or Treat So Others May Eat 2020

Trick -or-Treat- So- Others- May- Eat – The Youth will meet after the Late Service, today, do lunch and then go to the neighborhoods to collect filled bags. We will then take all bags, including the ones from the congregation, to A.I.M. To the congregation, “THANK YOU” so much for your support in this project.

Angel Tree 2020

Angel Tree
Holy Trinity will again have the Angel Tree in the Narthex, beginning next Sunday, November 1st. Families will be chosen by AIM and given to us for Christmas giving. In addition to selecting names from the Angel Tree in-person like we usually do, for those concerned about being out in public, you also will have the option of making a donation and someone from WELCA will do the shopping for you.

Congregational Weekly Updates 06/23/20

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

A couple of things to pass along to you:

  1. We now have all the food/snack items needed to make all the sandwiches for Saturday Servants.  We do not need anything else.  Please note that if we have anything left over, those food items will be given to AIM, so nothing will be wasted.  Thank you so much for your generosity.
  2. We still have just a few spots left for volunteers to make sandwiches.  If you are interested, you will need to contact Pat in the church office, as she is organizing the help.
  3. Please note that our first Saturday will be on July 4, which of course, is a national holiday, but we will still feed those hungry in our community.
  4. Congratulations go out to Andrew and Allie Drennan on the birth of Parks Drennan, born June 16.  We also congratulate proud new grandparents, Bob and Kim Drennan and Aunt Chelsea.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer