Tuesday 2/28/17 Annual Pancake Supper

Annual Pancake Supper
Benefit: Anderson Interfaith Ministries, S.H.A.R.E.& Family Promise of
Shrove Tuesday, February 28th
Boulevard Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
Serving: 4:00-7:00 p.m.
$5.00 a person
All You Can Eat
Sponsored by :
The Anderson County Ministerial
Organization and The Anderson Ministers Fellowship
See an Usher to purchase tickets.
As in the past; the Lutheran Men In Mission of Holy Trinity are invited to help
with the cooking.

Why Enjoy Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (click on link to download document)

Wish List need – Good News Club

The Good News Club is a Christian Children’s outreach ministry that is supported by HTLC. We sponsor a group every Tuesday at Concord Elementary.
A short video program is presented each week. This requires a laptop computer and projector. In the past, we had to lug these into the school and pack up and bring home afterword. The school is now providing a place to lock these items up on site. We have a projector to leave there, but do not have a laptop.
We would like to raise funds to purchase a laptop to be used by our group that can be left at the school. We would need about $500.00 to get a laptop that would support the video playback and projector use that they need.

Donations given to date total $250.00; so that there is a total of $250.00 still needed.

If you need further information on this, please contact the Pastor Fischer or Jane Cahaly.

2/5/17 Souper Bowl of Caring final totals


A total of $649.05 (Atlanta Falcons $487.60  New England Patriots $161.45) to help A.I.M. serve the hungry people in our community.

Thank you to the congregation for your generous donations 

Souper Bowl Sunday is February 5th The LCY will once again be participating in Souper Bowl Sunday. On Super Bowl Sunday, the biggest eating day in the US, we will be focusing on hunger in our own community. The youth will be in the back of the church after both worship services with large soup pots to collect funds which will go to AIM. Your generosity is appreciated.


Glove, Hat and Scarf collection for South Main Chapel

Your help is Needed
Nurses are collecting gloves, hats and scarves for South Main Chapel and Mercy Center. This church serves the homeless population of Anderson and these will be distributed throughout the winter months. If you would like to help us in this project, there will be a marked box located in the room off the narthex for donations. Any size is welcomed. Please contact Amy Goodson for more information. Your help is appreciated!

Angel Tree


Thank you!!   All tags have been removed from the tree.  You will help make some children very happy this Holliday Season.

The Angel Tree is in the Narthex now.

If you want to help a needy child (who is not being helped by any other organization)

1 Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping

2 Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office.  GIfts shoudl be returned NO LATER than, Wednesday, November 30th.  After November 30th, you are responsible for delivering your gifts to AIM.

3 Please do not wrap gifts

Trick-or-Treat So Others May Eat

Trick -or-Treat So Others May Eat — The youth will meet after the Late Service on October 23rd and head to Subway for lunch and then go to the neighborhoods to distribute the bags. We will once again have bags available for the congregation to make donations. You may pick up your bag on the 23rd and bring it back on the 30th filled with food items and place them in the narthex. Then on October 30th, the youth will join in the potluck meal after the worship service and return to the neighborhoods to pick up the filled bags. We will need some vehicles to help with the pick-up. If you are able to help, please see Amy Goodson


Gideon International information.

A local representative from the Gideons International came to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on Sunday 9/25/16.

He shared the incredible story of the Gideons work including over a BILLION bibles given since the organization was founded.
They have translated the bible into over 100 languages for distribution.

If you would care to contribute to this worthy cause, please go to their website at



South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission Pee Dee Indian Project

South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission Pee Dee Indian Project

The Pee Dee Tribe is located in northeast South Carolina. It was chartered in 1976 and finally became a State recognized Indian Tribe on August 29, 2006. The Tribe consists of 532 members who mostly live and work in Marlboro, Chester and Darlington counties. The Pee Dee Indians are a proud people, and they have a great heritage. Unfortunately, many live at or below the poverty level. They have operated their tribal affairs on three acres of land in McColl, South Carolina for many years. Since achieving State recognition in 2006, the Tribe has initiated several projects to help serve its members. A lack of funds has stymied the initiatives of the Tribe. Recently, due to the generosity of an individual donor, the Pee Dee Tribe received a donation of 14 acres of land. Shortly thereafter, the South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission (SCLMM) organization entered the picture.
During the Spring of 2015, the SCLMM Executive Committee voted unanimously to initiate a project to assist the Tribe. This decision came with the support of Bishop Yoos and the South Carolina Synod Council. The SCLMM set a goal to raise $50,000 to help the Pee Dee Indian Tribe construct a multipurpose building on the 14 acres of land that was donated to the Tribe. The plan for the use of this property is to build a multipurpose building that can be used for a medical clinic, a shelter for the homeless, a place for children to play in a safe environment and a building to use for Tribal gatherings and as a museum. The estimated cost is about $280,000. If the SCLMM is successful ($50,000), it will provide a nice boost to this initiative. As of early 2016, $10,716 of the $50,000 goal had been raised, so there is a need to expand and increase giving to reach this goal.
The Holy Trinity Lutheran Men in Mission group made an initial contribution to this project in the Fall of 2015 and agreed to provide additional assistance during 2016 and to encourage donation by members of the congregation. The Holy Trinity Men in Mission group encourages members to prayerfully consider personal donations to support this initiative. Your checks can be made out to ELCA South Carolina Synod (designated for Pee Dee Indian Project) or they may be made out to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (designated for Pee Dee Indian Project).
Thank you for considering a donation to this very worthwhile SCLMM initiative.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Men in Mission.

Will you help?


Attention Men and Women of Holy Trinity: As you probably know, our Holy Trinity WELCA Circles provide food to the families of deceased members. Each situation is different, of course, but can be anything from a full meal to light refreshments. Sometimes we find ourselves facing a little difficulty in having enough food for the bereaving families. Because we never know what we might need and because these plans are made on such short notice, would you be willing to help by providing a side dish or dessert to be shared at this time? If you are a non-active WELCA member of Holy Trinity or a man of Holy Trinity, are you willing to be called upon to help out with the meal preparation? We would greatly appreciate your signing up for this service to our church family. As food is needed, you will be contacted by the WELCA President and asked to help out. Please sign your name below and place this form in the offering plate or talk to one of our WELCA Board Members, either in person or by phone: Roz Eckardt at 225-3810, Christa Mollgaard at 225-3660, Edna Moore at 231-6991 or Johnnie Hunnicutt at 261-6248. We thank you and appreciate your willingness to help in these situations. If you have questions, please contact a Board Member.


Blood Drive

Holy Trinity sponsors a Blood Drive twice a year in March and October of each year at the church, cooperating with the Anmed blood center. Members may donate more often at the Hospital, making sure to note that the donation is for Holy Trinity. The congregation is part of the Blood Assurance Program which enables members in need of transfusions to receive them without cost.