Mark your calendars! Operation INASMUCH 2018 kicks off at
8:00 a.m. Saturday, April 14 with breakfast in the Fellowship Hall.

The Service Committee is in the process of identifying and finalizing projects.
In the coming weeks, watch your Sunday bulletin for weekly updates.
If you are aware of an individual or an organization in need that may have a project,
please notify one of the following: Shirley Ebert, Jamie Corrigan, Jane Potter, Cheryl Lane, or Pastor Fischer.

Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper results

At the Community Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on February 13, the men of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church helped feed 344 meals raising a total of $1,989.01 to be split between Family Promise of Anderson, The Soup Kitchen, and Development Center for Exceptional Children. “Amen for Lutheran Men.”

Synod Apportionment

Synod Apportionment
In an attempt to increase the congregation’s giving to Synod Apportionment, the Church Council approved that the offerings received during our Mid-week Lenten Wednesday night worship services go toward our S.C. Synod Apportionment.


Thank to all for your generous giving

We raised a total of 358 dollars (279 for the Eagles and 79 for the Patriots).
All funds were donated to AIM.


SOUPER BOWL OF CARING SUNDAY The funds we raise for the “BIG GAME” will benefit A.I.M. Our youth will be receiving your financial gifts on February 4th.

Faith Community Nurses collecting winter hats and gloves

For our Christmas service project, the Faith Community Nurses of Anderson will be once again collecting winter hats and gloves for our neighbors at South Main Chapel and Mercy Center. This church serves many of the homeless population of Anderson. These items will be distributed by the Faith Community Nurses at South Main to their clients this winter. If you would like to help, please place gloves and hats in the box in the Narthex labeled “FCN Glove and Hat donations”. Thank you, Amy Goodson

Gideon Update

Gideon Update
A big Thank you to the congregation for your financial support of the Gideon bible ministry on November 26. Together we donated $769.00 which will allow many more bibles to be purchased and placed where they are needed.

Fish from the Men’s Group for charity

All you fish lovers, now available: 2 1/2 pound bags of fish recently caught by HTLC Fishing Charters Team for a donation to the World Hunger Fund. Please contact the church office during office hours or Larry Brown or Tom Weeks on Sunday

10/21/17 4th Annual Deutsches Fest

The Festival was a great success and a great time was had by all.

A total of $1718.00 was raised to be given to the HTLC youth for their trip to Houston for the Lutheran Youth Gathering in 2018

Thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make it happen.
































2nd Chance to donate food to AIM this Holiday season

If you missed making a food donation to AIM with the Trick or Treat so Others may Eat, you can still donate food by dropping off your items in the Hospital Cafeteria at either campus between November 6 to 22nd.

Angel Tree

Time to help AIM provide Christmas for many Anderson
1. Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping.
2. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Wednesday, December 6th. After December 6th, you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to AIM .
3. Please do not wrap gifts.