Your Help is Needed

The Faith Community Nurse Network of the greater Anderson area are collecting feminine hygiene items for the Homeless Period Project. These items will be made into kits and distributed to the homeless and low income women who visit the clothes closet at St John’s UMC in downtown Anderson. Each week, some 30-40 women receive these packets for themselves, their daughters and granddaughters. These basic needed items are costly and taxed as well. If you would like to help with this project, please collect any of the items on this list and place them in the box on the table in the narthex.
•Tampons, all sizes
•Sanitary Napkins thick and thin
•Panty liners
•Feminine hygiene wipes (individually packaged)
•Quart sized zip lock bags
•Kitchen sized trash bags
Thank you for your generosity in this much needed project.
Amy Goodson, FCN