What is the significance of Advent?

What is the significance of Advent?
The word “Advent” is a Latin word meaning “coming.” Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord into the world, both as the Christ-child and in the Second Coming. It is the four Sundays and weeks leading up to Christmas.
More and more denominations use an Advent wreath and Advent calendars,
marking the time of preparation.
For us at Holy Trinity, the following changes occur in our worship liturgy during
•We omit the Hymn of Praise.
•We use the Nicene Creed.
•The Prayer of the Day always begins with the words, “Stir up . . .
•We light an additional candle of the Advent wreath.
•We sing an additional stanza of a hymn as each Advent candle is lighted.
•The beautiful blue paraments adorn the altar, pulpit, and lectern, symbolizing the hope the Christ-Child brings into the world.