Synod Youth Ministry Spring grade-level events

The Synod Youth Ministry Leadership has made the decision to move all Spring grade-level events to an on-line format!
This means the 11th/12th, Middle School, and 9th/10th retreats will become on-line, virtual events.
We know this will come as a disappointment to some but our concern is for the health and safety of our SC Lutheran Youth and the adults who love and support them. Your SCLCY leadership team is working hard to make these events meaningful and fun so why not join us! We will be sharing exciting news about plans for “Party Packages” to be sent to all registered participants and exciting announcements of national known guest speakers and musicians!
If you’re currently an 11th/12th grader, please consider joining us for the 11th/12th grade event being held March 19 – 21. Details on the final cost and schedule will be published soon. Registration for the event can be found here: 11th/12th Grade SCLCY Event Registration
Stay tuned to your email and social media platforms as we reveal exciting details about these events!
Hope to see you (virtually) soon!
Bill Newmyer
Interim Synod Youth Ministry Coordinator
SC Synod Youth Ministry Webpage