3/7/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are some of the things happening around the church:


  1. George Mason returned home on Tuesday, following his back surgery, and is doing very well.

  2. Congratulations to Karen and Ron Theiling on the birth of Emilie-Virginia Haynsworth Theiling, who was born, March 3.  Evie weighed 7 lb. and 7 ounces and was 20 inches long. Congratulations also go out to proud grandparents, Olin and Rita Bell, and older sister, Ellie Smith.

  3. The Endowment Committee is planning to meet later in this month so if you know of a worthy organization that could use some funds, please contact Dave Rasche, or a member of the Endowment Committee.  You will need to supply the name of the organization, address of the group, as well as a brief explanation of their needs.  See your Yearbook for a list of the Endowment Committee members.

  4. This Sunday, I will be preaching on all three scripture readings, looking at the world’s view of the foolishness of God.  That is, Exodus 20:1-17; First Corinthians 1:18-25; and John 2:13-22.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer