Entire Congregation invited to Lutheran Men in Mission meeting 11/25/19

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Hopefully you have seen the notice in the bulletin and Messenger announcing that the entire congregation is invited to the next Lutheran Men in Mission Supper meeting, Monday, November 25 at 6:30 p.m.  We are excited to have as our speaker, Sheriff Chuck Wright of Spartanburg County.  Although he is in the news quite a bit with his law enforcement approach, what is often overlooked is his faithful devotion to the Lord as a fellow Lutheran. 

The meal for the evening has been donated and in exchange we simply ask that you bring a free-will offering which will go to the Lutheran Men in Mission’s Pee Dee Indian Building Project.  To make sure enough food is prepared, all we ask is that you let me know, or my wife, or Pat in the church office, if you are not a regular LMM monthly attendee.    Send me a REPLY and I will add you the list.

Come join us for what promises to be a very enjoyable and inspirational time together.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer