3/16/22 Midweek update

Dear Friends and Members of the Congregation,

A couple of notes about tonight’s worship service:

  1. First of all, concerning the weather, if the forecasters are correct, there should be a window of clearing just in time for our Lenten meal tonight at 6:00 p.m. and worship at 7:00 p.m.

  2. We are using the Evening Vespers Service for our mid-week Lenten services each week.

  3. Worship services are lasting about 45 minutes.

  4. I pray you will come out and join us.  Tonight we will explore the powerful story of Jesus encountering the woman caught in the act of adultery and the crowd is ready to stone her.  I will be speaking on the topic of forgiveness and the damaging power of our tongue in the words we often use with others.

  5. If you are not able to join us in-person, make sure to catch the service later as it will be recorded and placed on the church website.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer