3/13/22 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are some things worthy to pass along to you:


  1. Don’t forget to change your clocks Saturday night before going to bed.  I wouldn’t want you to be late, if you are planning to worship with us Sunday morning!
  2. Last Sunday at worship, Leslie Cox shared with us a new project for Operation Inasmuch – United Way’s Middle School Market Program – to provide food to needy middle school students.   Your response has been absolutely incredible.  In fact, so much has been donated, that she and Mike have had to carry off donations to free up space in the room off the narthex.  Please keep the food coming.
  3. This week I want to lift up another Operation Inasmuch project – Clean Start. This organization does fantastic things for those homeless in the Anderson area, by providing a place to take a shower and for folks to pick up hygiene items.  The full list is posted in your weekly bulletin and March’s Messenger.  There is a box to collect these items in the room off the narthex.
  4. We got off to a great start for our first Lenten supper and service.  We had 43 enjoy a fabulous meal providing by our Youth.  Not only did we enjoy the food, but the fellowship, face-to-face has been sorely missed for the last two years.  Afterwards, 56 of us gathered for our Mid-week Lenten service as we heard about Jesus being the rejected stone that has become the chief cornerstone.  We will do this again this coming Wednesday, for a meal and worship. If you have forgotten what the Fellowship Hall looks like with tables and chairs set up for a meal, see attached photo.
  5. In case you are wondering, yes, each of our Mid-week services will be recorded and placed onto the church website.
  6. What do you believe about God’s promises?  Sunday, I will be preaching from our Old Testament lesson, Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 as we explore God’s promise to Abram, and God’s promises to us.
  7. On Monday, (from 7:00-8:30 p.m.) Jane Cahaly will begin a 12-week Zoom Bible Study, using Dr. David Jeremiah’s book, The God You May Not Know. To be a part of this, simply contact Jane at janecahaly@gmail.com



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer