12/12/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Some things of interest to pass along to you:

1) All the gift tags from the Angel Tree have been taken. Thank you!!! Now we need all of them to return with the gifts attached by Wednesday, December 15. To date, of the 50 gift tags picked up, 28 Christmas gifts have been dropped off in the Church Office Parlor. We do not want any of these children to be left out so please make sure and drop off all gifts by the deadline.

2) The Church Council will begin polling the congregation tomorrow, using the Congregational Call List, to determine which Christmas Eve service you and your family will be attending (if you are), to help spread out our attendance numbers. I am receiving reports from many of you that you have received your December Messenger yesterday or today. Please look inside to read all the details of the four Christmas Eve Services to help you determine which service you will be attending.

3) This coming Sunday, our Congregational Christmas Pageant will take place during both of our worship services.

4) Barbara Thomas is now home, following her knee replacement surgery.

In Christ,
Pastor Fischer