12/19/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates in the congregation:


  1. The 2022 offering envelopes are ready to be picked up in the room off the narthex.  A coin has been attached to every offering envelope box featuring an image of the front of the church and of the altar.  We are very grateful to Claude Calloway for this gift.  Note: We are waiting for a 2nd shipment of coins to arrive.  If your box does not have a coin, more are coming soon.

  2. Check out the church website Facebook page, near the bottom, to see images of our recent Trick-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat food drive and our Congregational Wreath making event.

  3. The deadline to place a poinsettia in the sanctuary for our Christmas Eve worship services, In Memory Of someone, or In Honor of someone, is Monday, December 20.  Please see your bulletin for more information or call Pat in the office Monday morning.

  4. I am happy to report that the Church Council made the decision at its meeting Monday night, that beginning Christmas Eve, we will return to the singing of all hymns and liturgical worship parts of the services!

  5. The Church Council is in the process of polling each household of the congregation to determine which, if any, Christmas Eve worship service you and your family will be attending to spread out our numbers.   If you do not receive a call by Sunday, please let me know by email, phone call or text as I am the one tallying the attendance numbers.

  6. On Sunday, December 26, we will continue to celebrate the Christmas season, with “A Musical Celebration of the Christ Child” at both of our worship services that day.  This will be a service of Lessons and Carols with special music.  Make sure to invite and bring your family members for this occasion.

  7. Sunday, I will be preaching on our Old Testament lesson, Micah 5:2-5a, as we take another look at the significance of Bethlehem in the birth story.

  8. We continue to keep in our prayers, Bob Long, who continues his stay at AnMed.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer