Congregational update week of 05/24/20

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


A few updates to pass along to you:


  • Please make sure and read the bulletin article concerning food needs at AIM.
  • The Messenger will be going out next week so if you have a family member graduating from college or a technical school, Tuesday is the last day to get this information to Pat in the church office.
  • Even though many of us may not be traveling like we normally do this Memorial Day Weekend, let us remember what this holiday is all about.  Let us honor and remember those who died while serving our country in the Armed Forces.  As the old saying goes, “Freedom is not free.”
  • I will be preaching on the Ascension of Jesus, based on our First Lesson, Acts 1:6-14, if you would like to read this ahead of time and give it some thought.
  • In the meantime, be thinking what you do to make it through difficult times.  What keeps you going?
  • During this time apart, please know that I continue to spend time each day in prayer for each of you.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer