4/2/22 Operation InAsMuch A Compasion Revolution

First a bit of background information: In 2009 one hundred and one members of Holy Trinity gathered to participate in
the South Carolina Synod’s first Synodical community service blitz day known as “Operation INASMUCH”. Based on
Matthew 25:14-46, “Inasmuch as you have done this to one of the least of these you have done it to me”, Operation
INASMUCH strives to meet the needs of the least of these in our community through one-day service projects.

Now fast forward to 2022 and Holy Trinity is still participating in Operation INASMUCH, but on a somewhat smaller scale due to COVID concerns. The Service Committee has identified five scaled back projects that meet COVID protocols and will take place on or no later than April 2, 2022. They include:

1. Casseroles for Calvary Home for Children
All items should list the main ingredients on the dish as well as instructions for cooking it.
Casseroles should be placed in the Fellowship Hall freezer no later than 10:00 a.m. on
Saturday, April 2.

2. Notes of Encouragement for SnackPack Program

We will be writing notes of encouragement to be included in the food/snack packages
prepared by the United Way SnackPack Program and distributed weekly to needy
elementary school students. Those who sign up will be contacted and given details and
supplies to complete the project.

3. United Way’s Middle School Market Program – a collection project
This is a newly created program designed to provide food to needy middle school students.
The following items are needed: Peanut butter, Jelly, Cereal, Oatmeal,
Pop Tarts, Mac and Cheese, Spaghettios, Applesauce and Crackers. Any size or type is
acceptable. Donated items should be placed in the appropriate box located in the room off
the narthex by April 2.

4. Clean Start – a collection project

Clean Start, a hygiene and resource center for the homeless in our community is in need of
the following items: Paper Towels, Paper Plates and Cups (8 oz.), Trash Bags (13 and/or
30 gallon), Shampoo and Soap, Small Deodorants (or spray), Vaseline, Q-tips, Toilet
Paper, Disposable Razors, Toothbrushes, ToothPaste, and Mouthwash. Items should be
placed in the appropriate box located in the room off the narthex no later than April 2.

5. Congregational Litter Pick-up
Litter Pick-up is scheduled for Saturday, April 2 with the time to be determined. All
necessary supplies will be provided. Contact Leslie Cox to suggest a roadway you think
needs our attention.

Sign-ups continue for OPERATION INASMUCH.
Sign-up sheets are located in the room off the narthex.
If you have any questions, contact Shirley Ebert or Leslie Cox, Service Committee Co-chairs.