We continue our monthly gatherings in Fellowship Hall for a time of Food, Fun &
Fellowship around a Biblical theme. Adults and Kids of all ages are invited to join us! There
will be crafts, games, and song. The meal will be provided.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 9th 5:30 –7:00 p.m.


We welcome today, Barry Patterson, who will be bringing us a message from the Gideons. You can support the work of the Gideons by making a financial contribution. Checks may be made out to “The Gideons.” Following the worship service, Mr. Patterson will be in the Narthex to receive contributions.

9/22/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:

  • We keep Cherly Lane and her family in our prayers upon the death of her husband, David, last night.  Cheryl and David were a part of our congregation for many years before moving away.  If you would like to send a card, Cherly’s mailing address is:  2 Villa Avenue, Bristol, RI 02809.

  • We keep the following in our thoughts and prayers:
    • John Stricker continues his stay at AnMed.
    • Earlier this week, Georgia Lou Huff was hospitalized for several days.
    • Nancy Scalf spent several days in the hospital this week with a mini stroke but is now home.
    • Warren Lutz was admitted to the Rainey Hospice House earlier today and will be moved to Dominion Senior Living of Anderson on Monday.

  • Congratulations are in order for Helen Sidoti on the birth of her grandson, Anders Grey Heller.

  • This Sunday is Gideon Sunday, when a speaker brings us a brief word on the work their organization.  Of course, The Gideons are well known for their giving out of Bibles.  You will have an opportunity to support their work on the way out of worship.  Checks can be made out to “The Gideon,” cash is good as well.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Mark 9:30-37 as we look at the significance of Jesus lifting up the importance of children.

  • Tickets for the Deutsches Fest will be available from a church council member, Sunday.

  • Sunday is the last day of our Hope and Hygiene Drive as we collect items for Clean Start, Haven of Rest Men’s and Women’s Ministries.  Because of your generosity, the table in the room off the narthex is already full, but there is plenty of room on the floor for your donations.

  • Sunday is the last day to turn in suggestions for those to serve on the Church Council, using the Advisory Ballot in the bulletin/newsletter.

  • Monday evening will be the monthly meeting for the Lutheran Men in Mission.  Supper begins at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

10/12/24 Fall WELCA Foothills Conference Meeting

Just Love God’s Children
Fall Foothills Conference Meeting
Saturday, October 12th 2024

Immanuel Lutheran Church
5010E. Creswell Avenue
Greenwood, SC 29646

The women of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Greenwood SC are excited to host the Fall Conference for the Foothills region on Saturday, October 12th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with registration beginning at 9:30 a.m. A light lunch will be served.
Please plan to join us as we gather together to celebrate and act boldly on our faith in Jesus Christ. Being called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to rejoin our faith with deeds. As His disciples, we are called to serve and love all of God’s children in our community, our state, and the world; especially those that are with struggling food and housing insecurit ies.
Our guest speaker will be Mrs. Mary Ann Stroup, Coordinator of Immanuel’s Children. This nonprofit organization’s mission is to work in conjunction with District 50 school district to identify children struggling with food and/or housing insecurity. Once identified, various local organizations come together to assist in providing food and housing needs to these children in a dignified and confidential manner so that they can learn and grow in a safe, secure and healthy environment.
If you are planning to attend, please contact Beth Fischer by Saturday October 2nd @ (864) 933-7446 or email: fischerfive@att.net

Sunday School

We begin a new Sunday School year today. We now have classes for children, youth, and adults

09/15/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  • Beginning on Sunday, each pew will have a copy of the Congregational Pictorial Directory in a protected folder.  These copies are designed to remain in the pew and to help us learn the names and faces of our church family.

  • On Sunday, the Deutesches Fest tickets will be available to purchase from a church council member (or the church office during the week). You will notice that the ticket prices have been increased slightly from $12.00 to $15.00 for adults, and from $7.00 to $10.00 for children (12 and under).  This is to increase the amount of funds we donate to local charities.  This year all funds generated will go to Meal on Wheels – Anderson.

  • On Sunday we begin a two-week hygiene drive as we gather donated items for Clean Start, Haven of Rest Men’s Ministries, and Haven of Rest Women’s Ministries.  There is a list of needed items in your bulletin and newsletter.  Several folks have purchased items in bulk using Amazon, which is an option.  There are collection bins in the room off the narthex. This outreach project is sponsored by our Service Committee.

  • We begin a new Sunday School year on Sunday, as we now have classes for the children, youth and Adults.  Classes begin at 10:00 a.m.

  • Sunday I will be preaching on the gospel reading, Mark 8:27-38 as we explore the question of Jesus, “Who do you say that I am?”  If you have a chance, please google Caesarea Philippi to get a better understanding of why Jesus chose this location to ask this question to his disciples.

  • The new Christ In Our Home devotionals for October/November/December are now ready to be picked up in the narthex.

  • If you have someone in mind (up to 4 someones), you have the opportunity to share those names with us on the Council Advisory Ballot. Simply fill out the form in your bulletin and drop it off in either the box located in the narthex or the one in the sacristy. Please be mindful of those ineligible to serve listed in the bulletin and newsletter.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


You are invited to join us on Sunday evening, October 6th for a Service
of the Blessing of Animals. We will gather in the back parking lot at
5:00 p.m. behind Fellowship Hall. Bring your pets – dogs, cats, birds, snakes, turtles, fish, gerbils, lizards or anything else you consider to be
a family pet.

10/5/24 Deutsches Fest

On Saturday, October 5th, from 4-7 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will host its 10th Annual Deutsches Fest, a German festival to celebrate our Lutheran heritage. We will again be inviting Abiding Savior Lutheran Church to join us. We will gather in our Fellowship Hall and dine on German foods like bratwurst, roast chicken and German side dishes. Beer, wine and softer beverages will be served. We will have German music, dancing and Gemütlichkeit, which does not have a direct English translation but describes an atmosphere which is comfortable and enjoyable.

Tickets will be $15.00 for adults and $10.00 for children (12 and younger) and will be available from a Church Council member or through the church office beginning September 15th. Tickets need to be purchased in advance to help us with the planning of the food. The deadline to purchase tickets is Sunday, September 29th.  This year all funds generated will go to Meal on Wheels – Anderson

If you’d be interested in making a German dish, if we provide you with a recipe, please contact Virgil Hobbs. Mark your calendars now as we look forward to a wonderful afternoon/evening of fellowship for our congregation.


We continue our monthly summer gatherings in Fellowship Hall for a time of Food, Fun &
Fellowship around a Biblical theme. Adults and Kids of all ages are invited to join us! There will be crafts, games, and song. The meal will be provided.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 11th 5:30 –7:00 p.m.


9/8/24 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • No doubt by now, if you have been at the church in the last week or two, you have noticed how beautiful the landscaping is around our front parking lot (see attached photos).  Contrary to popular belief,  we do not have any church elves running around but we do have Claude Calloway.  For the past several weeks Claude has worked tirelessly in redoing our entire front areas including: putting down an irrigation system, laying down landscaping material, then hauling in rock and mulch.  When you see Claude, please give him a big “Thank You!”

  • Congratulations to Jonathan Dickson and Lacy Miller who were united in Holy Matrimony this past Sunday, September 1, in Charleston. Jonathan is the son of Sandi and the late John Dickson. Even though Jonathan is not a member of our congregation,  many of you will know him as our saxophonist at our 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service the past several years, while Lacy sang a solo this past year on Christmas Eve.  We pray God’s blessings upon them in their new life together!

  • Michael Oates underwent successful surgery earlier today to remove one of his kidneys.  We keep him in our prayers.

  • We keep John Stricker in our prayers as well, as he continues his stay at AnMed for colon issues.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on The Wideness Of God’s Mercy, based on the gospel text, Mark 7:24-37.

  • You are invited to gather with us Sunday morning in Fellowship Hall to kick off a new Sunday School year with a Rally Day celebration.  Breakfast will be served at 10:00 a.m.  We will have some songs and fun activities for all ages.  Come join us!

  • Our next Family Fun Night will take place on Wednesday, beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Supper will be provided.  We will be focusing on:  “Birds Of The Air.”

  • I am happy to report that Carter Boucher and Diana James have moved back to Anderson!  They are former members and we look forward to them rejoining our church family. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer