11/22/20 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


  • 11/22/20 is Christ the King Sunday and we focus on our Lord in His power and majesty.  We will be looking at the Gospel Reading of Matthew 25:31-46, which should sound familiar as it is the same scripture we use for Project Inasmuch.  


  • A big thank you to all who picked up tags from the Angel Tree.  All have now been removed and the gifts are starting to pour in.  Please remember to let yourself into the church office using the same door code and placing them in the Church Parlor (the room with the fireplace).


  • Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


    • Tomorrow is Christ the King Sunday and we focus on our Lord in His power and majesty.  We will be looking at the Gospel Reading of Matthew 25:31-46, which should sound familiar as it is the same scripture we use for Project Inasmuch.


    • A big thank you to all who picked up tags from the Angel Tree.  All have now been removed and the gifts are starting to pour in.  Please remember to let yourself into the church office using the same door code and placing them in the Church Parlor (the room with the fireplace).


    • The Lutheran Men in Mission have decided to hold a meeting on Monday, November 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  We will be practicing social distancing and you are asked to wear a mask.  We will have a program and take care of some business but we will NOT be eating supper together, so please eat before you come.


    In Christ,

    Pastor Fischer


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer