10/31/21 Congregational Weekly Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

 Some things to pass along to you this week include:

 1)     As part of the worship service this Sunday, we will again be blessing the Time and Talent Sheets and the Pledges that come in on Sunday (or have been mailed to the office this week).  Please take a moment and make this commitment to the Lord.

2)     You are asked to bring back your filled Trick-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat bag Sunday.  I have been pleasantly shocked at the amount of food that has come in already, so far this week.  If you were not in attendance at worship this past week and did not get a bag to fill, there are extra bags in the narthex and you may stop by and pick one up and return it at your convenience, before Sunday, OR you may simply drop off any food items into the narthex using your own bags or boxes.  In any case, the Youth and I will be delivering all food products to AIM after the 11:00 a.m. worship service.  Again, thank you for your generosity! 

3)     With this Sunday being Reformation Sunday, you are invited to wear the color red to worship. 

4)     We will be celebrating Holy Communion on Sunday on this festive occasion.

5)     I will, of course, be preaching on the Reformation theme of grace, based on our second reading, Romans 3:19-28.  You are encouraged to use this scripture reading as a devotional, contemplating on why this passage of scripture was instrumental in changing the life of Martin Luther and hence, the world.

6)     Sunday is the last day to participate in the Luther Leaners project.  This will be used to connect children/youth with the adults in the congregation as Prayer Partners.  If interested, please fill out the form in the bulletin and drop in the offering plate Sunday, or mail back to the church office.

7)     Sunday is also the last day to pick up a hymnal, if you would like one.  After this date, we will find a new home for them and they will no longer be available. Please note, the hymnals have been moved into the room off the narthex, behind the door.

8)     I am happy to report that the new Congregational Pictorial Directories are ready.  You may pick up your families’ copy in the narthex either on Sunday or just stop by and let yourself into the church, using the door code.

9)     The November issue of The Messenger was mailed out this afternoon.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer