10/24/17 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

A few things to pass along to you this week include:

1) Last Sunday, as part of our Stewardship Program, we gave out ladles, reminding us to serve others. We still have a few ladles leftover. If you did not pick one up this past Sunday, please do so this Sunday.

2) You are asked to fill out your Time and Talent Sheets and pledge cards and bring them to worship with you this Sunday or the next Sunday, October 31 (or mail them in). As part of the worship service, these commitments to the Lord will be blessed. Even if you choose to not return a pledge card, we would like to get back as many Time and Talent Sheets as possible. The altar flower information is given to Pat as she sets up the flower schedule for 2022. Nancy Korn gathers all information pertaining to the Altar Guild, Worship Assistants, acolytes, lay readers, etc. and prepares a spread sheet for volunteers in 2022. Speaking of acolytes, we really need more adults to volunteer to serve as acolytes. Our Youth do this many Sundays but we do not have enough Youth for each Sunday. If you would be interested in serving in this capacity, please indicate so on your Time and Talent Sheet. Training will follow.

3) I will be preaching on the Gospel text, Mark 10:46-52, the healing of the blind Bartimaeus. In all my 28 years of ministry, somehow, I have never preached on this text. More than likely, most years the church calendar does not have this many Sunday after Pentecost.
a. What strikes you about this story?
b. How is this story different than the healing in Mark 8:22-26?
c. How does Bartimaeus participate in his healing?
d. How would you answer Jesus’ question in verse 51, “What do you want me to do for you?”

4) Sunday, we will be giving out bags for the Trick-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat food drive. Please prayerfully consider participating as this is one of AIM’s largest food collections, besides the Postal Food Drive. If you will not be in attendance Sunday, we will leave some bags in the Narthex for you to stop by and take home. Then on the following Sunday, October 31, we ask that all filled bags be returned to the room off the narthex. You may let yourself into the church at any time using the door code to do this.

In Christ,
Pastor Fischer