1/7/24 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  • This coming Sunday is Baptism of Our Lord Sunday.  All the music, prayers, scripture readings, and even the sermon will be tied to he central theme of Baptism.

  • I, of course, will be preaching on the gospel text of Mark 1:4-11, as we explore what it means to us to be baptized.

  • Some questions to ponder:
    • How often do you actually think about your own baptism?

    • How does baptism influence your life?

    • When difficult times come your way, how does baptism give you strength and comfort and hope?

    • Jesus waited until the age of 30 to be baptized.  Why would he wait this long?

    • After his baptism, He immediately began his 3-year ministry, up until his death.  How does your own baptism give you direction/purpose in life?

  • A challenge I have for you, if you are willing, is to read the three biblical texts assigned to this day (Genesis 1:1-5, Acts 19:1-7, and Mark 1:4-11} and figure out why they were selected for the theme of baptism. The 2nd and 3rd readings are easy.  Reading #1 is a challenge.

  • On Wednesday evening of next week, you are invited to join with us in Fellowship Hall for our next Family Fun Night.  Since we are near Epiphany, January 6, we will be looking at The Three Wise Men.  Some join us for supper, a bible story, a sing along, as well as a related art project. We begin at 5:30 p.m.

  • One last thing, I sent out a rough draft of the 2024 Church Directory.  Many of you have already sent me a reply letting me know if your information listed for you is correct and if not, you have sent me corrections.  If you have not yet done this, please take the 60 seconds needed to read this over and send me a reply, as Sunday is the last day to do this.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer