05/28/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  • We are very grateful for the 8 folks who participated in making encouragement cards for the SnackPack project (see photo attached).  Together, 438 cards were completed with more expected later.

  • As you know, we have made the transition from holding Operation Inasmuch projects only one time a year, to providing several outreach projects throughout the year.  So . . . we have several Operation Inasmuch T-shirts left over from previous years that we no longer need.  Some are the blue version and others the red version.  If you are interested in one of these, they are located in the narthex.  The quantity and sizes are:  (3) Adult Small shirts, (1) Adult Medium shirt, (1) Adult Large shirt, and (3) Youth Medium shirts. These are free for the taking.

  • The deadline to submit a name and information for the June Messenger is Sunday evening.  If you have a family member who recently graduated from high school, technical school or college, please send that information to Pat before Memorial Day.

  • This Sunday we celebrate with Gracie West as she will receive her First Communion at the Late Service.

  • With this Sunday being Pentecost Sunday, you are invited/encouraged to wear something red to worship that day. We will celebrate with Michael Caruso and Brady West being confirmed at the Late Service.

  • I will be preaching on the First Reading from Acts 2:1-21 as we take a look at how the Lord changes some of the endings in life to new beginnings through the Holy Spirit.

  • Then on Monday, Memorial Day, please take a moment to pause in remembrance for those American Military Members who died in service to our country.  


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer