05/02/21 HTLC COVID Policy changes

At its April meeting, the Church Council has made the following COVID protocol changes:
1) The congregation may sing the Kyrie and Psalms each week in worship (continuing the wearing of masks and social distancing).

2) Resuming Sunday School classes (wearing masks and social distancing and using larger rooms if needed to accommodate distancing).

3) Allowing Congregational groups to meet in person, such as LMM, WELCA, Quilters, etc. (no meal at any meetings and encouraging the wearing of masks, social distancing and using larger rooms if needed to accommodate distancing).

4) The LMM group has been given permission to meet in person for their April 26 meeting in Fellowship Hall (with masks and no meal).

5) Church Council meetings will meet in person in the Fellowship Hall (still wearing masks and social distancing).

6) Confirmation classes will continue to be conducted via ZOOM through the school year (June).