11/22/20 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


  • 11/22/20 is Christ the King Sunday and we focus on our Lord in His power and majesty.  We will be looking at the Gospel Reading of Matthew 25:31-46, which should sound familiar as it is the same scripture we use for Project Inasmuch.  


  • A big thank you to all who picked up tags from the Angel Tree.  All have now been removed and the gifts are starting to pour in.  Please remember to let yourself into the church office using the same door code and placing them in the Church Parlor (the room with the fireplace).


  • Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


    • Tomorrow is Christ the King Sunday and we focus on our Lord in His power and majesty.  We will be looking at the Gospel Reading of Matthew 25:31-46, which should sound familiar as it is the same scripture we use for Project Inasmuch.


    • A big thank you to all who picked up tags from the Angel Tree.  All have now been removed and the gifts are starting to pour in.  Please remember to let yourself into the church office using the same door code and placing them in the Church Parlor (the room with the fireplace).


    • The Lutheran Men in Mission have decided to hold a meeting on Monday, November 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  We will be practicing social distancing and you are asked to wear a mask.  We will have a program and take care of some business but we will NOT be eating supper together, so please eat before you come.


    In Christ,

    Pastor Fischer


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Angel Tree Reminders

Angel Tree Reminders
It’s that time again….
Time to help AIM provide Christmas for many Anderson families.
1. Please do not wrap gifts.
2. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office parlor
(use door code).
3. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Sunday, December 2nd,
after which, you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to A.I.M.
4. You also have the option of making a donation and someone from
WELCA will do the shopping for you. If you would rather participate
in this way, just make a check out to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church”
and put “Angel Tree” in the Memo. If you have any questions on this,
please contact Roz Eckardt

11/15/20 Congregational Weekly Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


A couple of things to pass along to you:


  • The Advent devotionals are now ready for you to pick up in the narthex.  Again, we ask that you limit them to one per family.

  • Thank you for your tremendous response with the Angel Tree.  As of this afternoon, there were only five remaining tags on the tree.  Don’t forget that you are asked to drop off the purchased items in the Office Parlor  (the room before the Office Conference Room, near the fireplace) using the front door code (the same code for the church front door).   Please make sure and attach the tag to the gift as that is the only way we have of identifying which gifts go to which child.

  • You will notice in the bulletin that beginning Sunday, we have returned to having the words printed for the solos.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Matthew 25:14-30.  Questions to ponder:
    • What exactly is a “talent”?
    • Why are some servants given more than others?
    • Where is the fairness in this story?
    • Where is the grace in this story?
    • Do you feel more like the servant with five talents, or the one with two talents, or the one given just one talent?
    • What does the sermon title have to do with this parable?



See you Sunday for worship (either in-person in the sanctuary or through the website service).


Pastor Fischer

POINSETTIAS for the Christmas Eve service

POINSETTIAS for the Christmas Eve services will be provided this year by
Whitten’s for $16.00. Donors will be listed in the worship bulletin for the Christmas Eve services. If you would like to place an order for one or more, please fill out the form and place it in the offering plate or send to the Church office. The deadline is Monday , December 14th. Payment must accompany your order. Plants may be picked up after the 11:00 p.m. service Christmas Eve.

Download the form by clicking on the link below

Poinsettias 2020


Christmas Pageant 12/13/20

Congregational Christmas Pageant
Our Christmas Pageant will still take place this year on
Sunday, December 13, but with some modifications. The
Pageant will take place at both worship services that day to
spread out our attendance. The children and youth will not be
participating this year. Only the choir will be participating to
reduce the number of participants.

Quilt Dedication 10/11/20

We dedicated 38 quilts on October 11th that will be shipped to the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) warehouse in Maryland. People who worked on these quilts were Jane Potter, Shirley Ebert, Roz Eckardt, Cherie Brown, Bobbi Metz, Dianne Calloway, Kim Hill, and Nancy Korn. That brings the total number of quilts made by the Holy Trinity Quilters to 408. National Quilting Day was March 21, 2020 and marked 75 years of comforting the world with LWR Mission Quilts.

11/8/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Just a couple of things to pass along to you in regards to worship tomorrow:


  1. Please come prepared to vote.  Our congregational meeting will take place at both the Early and Late Services tomorrow during the worship services.  We will be selecting four new council members to serve a 3-year term and approving the budget for 2021.  In order to make this happen, please review before the service the list of eight (8) candidates for the church council and a brief description of each and a copy of the proposed budget with a narrative of the changes.  These items are listed in your November Messenger.  If you have any questions about the proposed budget, today is the last day to contact our treasurer, Diane Richardson.

  2. Some good news to  pass along to you, after some delays, we have finally received a list from AIM of the Christmas items needed for our Angel Tree in the narthex.  These tags will be available tomorrow for the first time.  You may either select a tag or two, or give a financial gift to the church and mark the Memo with “Angel Tree” and someone from WELCA will do the shopping for you.

  3. Tomorrow’s sermon will be based on Paul’s writings in I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and the Gospel reading in Matthew 25:1-13, dealing with the afterlife.

  4. If you would like to send a card to the family of Dick Hazelwood, the address is: Caren Hazelwood, 3504 Rosewood Drive, Columbia, SC  29205.

  5. Speaking of sympathy cards, I recently received a note from Jack Vanesse, son of Betty Vanesse, asking me to share with the congregation his many thanks for the recent cards you have sent him. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

11/1/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation,

Some things to pass along to you:

  1. You may still return your Time and Talent Sheets in on any Sunday, for a while.  We had one returned recently that was not signed.   This person indicated they were interested in serving on the Witness Committee.  We need this person to not be shy, come forward and tells us again who you are, before we allow you to witness to others. 
  2. All Saints Sunday is this Sunday, November 1.  As we all know, we have had more than our fair share of deaths in the congregation in 2020.  We will be remembering all those who have gone on to be with the Lord since last year’s All Saints Sunday.  They include:

Dianne Cotney Calloway    February 4, 2020

Lawrence Earl Brown    February 8, 2020

Gaither Gibson Blackwelder    February 12, 2020

Shirley Foy Hall    February 12, 2020

Richard Dean Williams    March 14, 2020

George A. “Beefie” Davis   March 28, 2020

Eloise Bland Fischer     April 6, 2020

Pamela Lee Whitt     May 20, 2020

Hattie Mae Lever     June 4, 2020

Margery Elaine Howell Rummage     July 3, 2020

Mary Elizabeth Williams    September 13, 2020

James Bryan Hill   September 25, 2020

John Wesley Dickson, Jr.     October 17, 2020

Betty Vanesse   October 18, 2020

  1. Don’t forget the time change Sunday and set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.  We wouldn’t want you to miss out on another hour of sleep, unnecessarily.
  2. The Angel Tree will be in the Narthex Sunday for the first time.
  3. The Messenger was mailed out yesterday, Wednesday.  Please make sure and read over the article on the changes to our upcoming Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 8, due to COVID.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Time and Talent sheets

Today, during the worship service, you will be given an opportunity to share your intentions to share,
give and serve by returning your completed Estimate of Giving Card and your Time and Talent
Survey during the appropriate time in the service. If you forget your card and survey, ushers will have
extras available – just ask. You may also mail your response directly to the church office. We hope to
have all responses returned by November 1.
Now more than ever… prayerfully consider how you will let your light shine and answer the call to
share the good news, give generously and serve unselfishly.
The Support Committee

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting 11/8/20

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on November 8. Details are still in the works to keep the congregation safe due to Covid -19.

1) Electing four new Council Members for a 3-year term.

2) Approving the 2021 Church Budget.


With the threat of COVID-19 and in order to practice social distancing, we will be conducting our Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 8 in a different manner. According to our Church Bylaws, proxies and absentee ballots are not permissible for this meeting so we have decided to be a little creative in order to meet safely to conduct the business of the congregation. We have decided that we will still have our Congregational Meeting on November 8, but NOT during the Sunday School hour and NOT in Fellowship Hall.
Instead, our meeting will take place at both the Early and Late Services that day during the worship service. At the designated time during the service, we will take 5-10 minutes to complete the voting process to elect new council members and to approve a budget for 2021. In order to make this happen, you have a little homework on your part to complete before the meeting. You have a list of the eight Council nominees as part of this bulletin (electing four), and you will receive the nominees again, as well as the budget as part of the November Messenger, as in years past. However, to vote on the budget, is a little more of a challenge since we will not be able to handle discussions as part of the congregational meeting. Along with the budget you will receive a sheet explaining the basic changes to next year’s budget compared to this year’s budget. If you have any questions or comments, you are asked to contact Diane Richardson, our church treasurer, and she will go over your budget questions, before the Congregational Meeting. Since the budget has already gone through the Support Committee and the Church Council, and next year’s proposed budget is slightly different from this year’s, we will be voting to approve the church budget with a simple yes or no answer as part of the meeting. In the unlikely event, that there happens to be a tie in the voting process for new council members, we will have a tie breaker vote the following Sunday on November 15. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding in this time of COVID-19. Our goal is to take care of the business of the congregation in an efficient and safe manner. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Fischer.