3/10/21 Wednesday Lent service

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

I will be preaching on “The Road To Capernaum” in both Matthew 4:12-22 and Mark 1:21-31.  Here are some related thoughts to ponder:


  • What were the main emphases of the ministry of Jesus?

  • What qualities did Jesus bring to His ministry?

  • How do we as Christians today embody these same qualities?

  • What was the authority behind the teachings of Jesus?

  • How do we allow the message of Christ to be incarnational for us?

  • What does it mean to have compassion?  What are some ways we can do this?

  • What new levels of service might be open to us as a result of our commitment to our Lord?



Don’t forget that if you are unable to make it to our Mid-week Lenten service, it will be recorded and available through the church website.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer