Lutheran Services Carolinas Capitol Campaign update

Thank You!
Lutheran Services Carolinas Capitol Campaign Benefiting LSC Child and Family Services in South Carolina Dear fellow members of Holy Trinity, Anderson,
As you know, the capitol campaign for LSC child and family services has been ongoing since March, and will continue for three years.
I want to sincerely thank all of you that have contributed toward this worthy cause! If you have not yet done so, and would like to be a part of this noble effort, please remember that the campaign continues for three years. Further contributions can be made locally to Holy Trinity (please write “Lutheran Services Carolinas”, or, simply,” LSC” on the memo line of your check), or to LSC directly, using the Statement of Intent form, which was included in the March issue of The Messenger. If you need a copy of the form, or the address, please call the church office. Be sure to add the name “Holy Trinity, Anderson” on the Congregation line of the form.
All of us know how important it is to help serve our neighbor in need, and to follow, as First John, Chapter 3 says, “the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.”
Yours in Christ,
Bob Straup, Congregational Campaign Leader

New Nursery Attendant

New Nursery Attendant
We welcome Marijane Coggins as our new nursery attendant! She and her husband, Harry, joined our congregation just over a year ago.
Welcome Marijane!

New Congregational Photo Directory

We have added another Sunday to the list of dates when Dave Korn will be available to take you and your families’ photo for our new, photo directory. Dave will be available after the Early Service and the Late Service each week on May 5, 12, 19. Please make every effort to be a part of our new directory


3/30/19 Operation INASMUCH 2019


Thanks to all for making this year a big success!

2019 Operation Inasmuch Summary

By all indications, our OIAM ministry outreach into the Anderson community was well supported and attended this year. In case you are wondering how we did, here are the numbers:
57 people gathered in the Fellowship Hall for a Kick-off Breakfast and brief devotional.

40 bag lunches prepared for our OIAM work crews.

24 family-sized frozen casseroles delivered to Calvary Home for Children.

73 dozen homemade cookies delivered to The Sheriff’s Department, The Anderson City Police Department, Fire Stations 1,2,and 3 and to EMS to show our appreciation for their service to our community.

72 dental kits purchased and prepared for distribution to the clients of Anderson Free Clinic’s Dental Clinic.

420 encouraging notes written to be included in the SnackPacks that United Way distributes each week to needy children

20 big orange bags of litter collected from Vandiver Road and Simpson Road.

8 adults and 1 preschooler prepared dog treats, folded newspaper for kennels, washed dog bowls, and folded laundry at Anderson County P.A.W.S.

6 youth and 3 adults prepared planting beds at the Artisan Community Gardens. 1 official photographer and countless helpers took photographs of the projects.

4 adults trimmed hedges, cleaned out gutters, picked up limbs and debris, spread mulch and pressure washed the Cancer Association of Anderson.

131 items and a huge bag full of hotel size toiletries collected for Haven of Rest.





Why Is That Dead Tree in the Church?

You can’t help but notice the “dead” tree covered in caterpillars which have appeared in the Sanctuary. You may question -why is it here or what is it about?
This is a project between the LCY and the Sunday School children. Before we began making these creations, we discussed how things are different in both the church and nature this time of year. We discussed how there are some things “sleeping” in our worship such as the use of Alleluias. We also talked about how everything in our yards such as the grass and trees look dead but they too are just “sleeping”. We discussed how some of God’s creatures such as caterpillars make cocoons. Although we might think they are dead, they actually have rebirth as a butterfly.
This tree is actually here to help each of us to remember that while the weather often is cool and gray and the grass is brown and the trees bare, there is the hope that Spring is coming! Bulbs are blooming and the days are getting longer. Just as we have hope for Spring, Lent gives us a time to hope for Easter and the promise that the resurrection brings.
Just as the change of seasons brings surprises, keep watching the tree thru the Lenten season —there are more surprises to come!

Easter morning 2019  Resurrection!!

4/21/19 Easter Services

Sunrise Worship with Holy Communion
7:00 a.m.
Breakfast to follow in Fellowship Hall.
Meal will be provided.
Worship Service with Holy Communion
11:00 a.m.

Again this year the cross will be outside in front of the church. Please remember to bring your flowers Easter Sunday morning from your garden or from the grocery store to cover the cross. This is a great opportunity for family photos. What a beautiful way to celebrate our risen Lord!

New Nursery Attendant

New Nursery Attendant
We welcome Marijane Coggins as our new nursery attendant!
She and her husband, Harry, joined our congregation just over a year ago. Welcome Marijane!

4/20/19 Congregation Work Day

Congregation Work Day
Saturday April 20.
•Trim several shrubs at sides of Sanctuary and along Prayer Garden.
•Clean out leaves behind shrubbery as needed.
•Clean steps going down to furnace room.
•Fill two holes in front parking lot with asphalt.
•Move garden hoses out of storage.
•Remove two small holly trees at rear of front parking lot.
•Clean out garage.

Easter Lilly order Form

We would like to place Easter Lilies in our windows and on the Chancel steps for the services on Easter Sunday. The cost is $15.00. If you desire to place an order for one or more lilies, please use the form below. Fill in the information and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office as soon as possible. The deadline is Monday, April 15.
Note: Payment must accompany your order.


Click on this link to open a printable pdf copy of the order form


5th Sunday Change of Service Time

March 31st 2019

Sunday School 9:00 a.m.


A Congregational Potluck meal will follow the service. Please bring your favorite dish(es) to share.