9/13/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Friday is the 19th anniversary of 9/11.  Please remember to keep our nation in your thoughts and prayers and for all those who still bear the emotional scars of the horrible events of that day.  We continue to pray for all first responders, firefighters, paramedics, rescue personnel, police officers, and military personnel, who put their lives at risk daily for the sake of others. 


On Sunday, I will be preaching on the subject of forgiveness.  The text is Matthew 18:21-35.  In preparation for this, I ask you to read, meditate and pray over this passage.   

Some thoughts to ponder:

  • How many times are we to forgive someone?
  • What exactly does that mean to forgive someone?
  • What does it look like and feel like?
  • We often hear that we are to “forgive and forget,” but is this good theology?
  • Is it easier to give forgiveness or receive forgiveness?
  • Isn’t it strange that the most difficult person to forgive is usually ourselves?


Worship in the sanctuary went very well this past Sunday and no issues were uncovered.  We plan to meet again this Sunday, for those who are comfortable doing so.  I pray you will either join us in-person or through the internet.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


9/6/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

It is here!  We are finally about to return to in-person worship in the sanctuary.  I realize that this is not an option for those uncomfortable being in crowds, due to COVID-19, but for others, it is a long time in waiting.  For those planning to attend worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, please keep in mind the following as you enter the church:

  • You are strongly encouraged to wear a mask.  Masks will be provided at the door, if you need one.
  • You may enter either through the front doors or the ramp door.
  • An offering plate will be at each door to receive your tithes and offerings.
  • We will be using every other pew, making sure to sit on the ends of each pew.
  • Seats will be marked with a bulletin of possibilities where you might sit.
  • The ushers will assist in the process.
  • Holy Communion will be served at both worship services using wafers, and not bread.
  • We will not be gathering at the altar, but instead, a Communion station will be on the floor level.
  • I will be reviewing all the worship and Communion instructions in the announcements so please be on time. 

I will be preaching on the timely topic of settling differences.  In preparation for this, I ask you to read over and pray over the Gospel text, Matthew 18:15-20.  Please ask yourself these questions as you read:

  • What does Jesus say we are to do with those who sin against us?
  • What are the steps?
  • Are these steps only for settling disagreements in the church?
  • What would our nation/our world look like if we all practiced the words of Jesus in settling our disputes/disagreements with each other?

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Vacation Bible School for Adults

Remember Vacation Bible School?
Music. Crafts. Games. Worship. Maybe an impressively well-decorated fellowship hall.
We’re bringing it all back, but this time it’s online and it’s for YOU!
We are excited to announce that we will be doing VBS in a special way this summer! Holy Trinity has partnered with the organization Big Picture Big Purpose to bring Backyard VBS into your homes. The theme is Stories from the Old Testament.
Every week in September, beginning on Sunday September 27, 2020, you will receive an email with links to the bible lessons, songs, craft instructions, reflection questions, outdoor adventures, and a mission service project for the week.
You will have access to our Holy Trinity Backyard VBS Facebook page where you can post videos of yourselves singing the songs and playing games, pictures of your crafts, and sharing your mission projects. We will also have a Zoom ice cream social! This is multi-generational – Suitable for ages 4 – 104!
There will be a craft supply pickup TBD at Holy Trinity a few days before to hand out any necessary items.
Here is the Facebook group:
Here is the sign-up page:


The Church Council has decided to open the sanctuary to in-person worship beginning next Sunday, September 6! We will be using all the safety measures we are currently using for COVID-19 at worship at Fellowship Hall.

Guidelines for Worship in the Sanctuary
For the most part, what we have been doing in Fellowship Hall will continue in the sanctuary, concerning worship practices and social distancing, however some of these guidelines are new. Please take the time and familiarize yourself with them before entering the Sanctuary for worship. For those unsure of when to return, perhaps reading over our worship plans will help guide you in your decision.

You may enter the service through the front doors or the ramp door. The doors will be either propped open or someone will open the door for you so that you will not have to touch the door handle.

Offering plates will not be passed during the worship service but instead, be placed at the entrances.

To help facilitate social distancing, we will be using every other pew in worship, and using the ends of each pew. Each seat will be marked with a bulletin.

The pews unused from the Early Service will be used at the Late Service.

Surfaces will be cleaned after the Early Service.

To minimize possible exposure to the virus, worship services will be shorter than what we are accustomed to.

All hymnals have been removed from the pew. We will continue to use a bulletin containing the worship service.
Several recent studies have found that forceful, sustained breathing, such as during singing, appears to pose a greater danger of spreading the coronavirus. To minimize these dangers, the singing of hymns, the Kyrie, and the Psalms, will be omitted. In addition to a prelude, we will be using a soloist for a hymn and speak the remaining parts of the liturgy.

The Sharing of the Peace has been omitted.

We will be refraining from handshaking and hugging.

No nursery or Sunday School will be offered at this time.

The distribution of Holy Communion will be modified to minimize touch.

We will be using wafers instead of bread at this time.

Cups of wine and grape juice will be pre-filled, and cups will be spaced out on the serving tray to eliminate accidental touching of nearby cups.

For the protection of others, the wearing of masks is strongly encouraged during worship. You are encouraged to bring your own mask, however, masks will also be available at the door.

We will continue to record one of the worship services every Sunday morning and post these on the internet, as we have been doing.
A word of caution: We cannot provide a 100% sterile and sanitized environment at all times. Due to the size of the sanctuary, the complexity of the structures and the furnishings within, and the myriads of church members who come to worship, therefore, if you have underlying health issues/concerns, you should not be at worship

8/23/20 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC.

Here are a few updates to pass along to you:

  1. We keep Beth Passow in our thoughts and prayers upon the death of her father, Burt Bradley.
  2. We keep Mary Williams, who has pneumonia at AnMed, in our prayers.
  3. We keep Paul Wagner in our prayers as he recovers from hip replacement surgery earlier today at Oconee Memorial.
  4. You may remember Pastor Bruce Booher, who filled in for me in the pulpit, on two occasions. Below is a recent article the SC Synod sent out to all congregations inviting them to participate in three Zoom sessions concerning a heavenly twist to stargazing he will be presenting. 



Wednesdays – August 26 & September 2 & 9, 2020 at 8:00 p.m.

For nearly sixty years, the marvels of God’s universe have been a source of joy and wonder for Pastor Bruce Booher. You are invited to join him for a three session Zoom event to explore some of these marvels and consider how they can inspire faith and awe. There will be links and resources to help you continue to explore the marvels of God’s creation, and the opportunity for you to share your thoughts and questions.

Wonders of the Universe – 8/26/20 – Marvel at the beauty and majesty of some of the most exciting objects in the cosmos. Discover ways to make new faith connections with God’s magnificent creation. 

Touring Our Solar System – 9/2/20 – We will explore stunning images of the Sun, Moon and planets from observatories and space probes. Discover what you may expect to see through telescopes as an amateur astronomer.

Introductory Stargazing – 9/9/20 – Learn the basics of telescopes and binoculars and how to use them. Find out easy ways to locate some of the brighter deep sky objects in the night sky. Learn some constellations and the stories behind them.

Register in advance. These events are free, but you must register in advance. Each presentation will last about 30 minutes, followed by time for questions and discussion. These events are intended for ages 12 and up.

To Register



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

8/9/20 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


This past Sunday was our largest attendance yet, with a total of 62 for both services!


This coming Sunday we will be looking at the gospel reading from Matthew for the basis of our message – the miracle of Jesus Walking On Water, Matthew 14:22-33.   I encourage you to read over this passage several times before then as a devotional.  It may be helpful for you to jot down the key words or thoughts for you of this passage.  Some that I raise are:

  • What is the most important element of this story?
  • What is the context for this miracle?  What has just happened with Jesus and his disciples?
  • Why is Jesus in prayer?
  • Have you even had a time in your life when it seemed like the winds were against you?  Where was God in all this?
  • What is important with the timing of Jesus’ intervention in the lives of the disciples?
  • Does God ever allow storms to be in our lives?  If so, for what purpose?
  • Again, what is the greatest miracle in this story?


I hope to see you Sunday in worship, or you seeing me at worship via the internet!

Pastor Fischer

8/2/20 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Just a couple of things to pass along to you:


  1. Many of us look forward to receiving Holy Communion this Sunday, with it being the first Sunday of the month.  If you find yourself uncomfortable being with crowds during this time of COVID-19, let me know and we can schedule a time for you to join me in the sanctuary for private Communion.   I will wear my mask, if needed.
  2. Sunday, I will be preaching on the story of the Feeding of the 5,000, recorded in Matthew 14:13-21. 
  3. For a devotion, see how Matthew’s version differs from what is recorded in Mark, Luke and John.
  4. I am often asked how does a minister preach on the same story or text every three years?  The short answer is the Holy Spirit.  I think we have all read a passage over and over age, and God speaks to us differently each time, partly because the situations of life have changed and partly because we have changed.  For instance, what is meaningful to you as you read this passage from Matthew?  How is God speaking to you?  Here are possible (sermon) themes on this text:
    1. Why would the crowds want to travel with Jesus over the countryside?
    2. How does the compassion of Jesus play a key role in this story?
    3. What is our role in God’s work around us?
    4. How did the generosity and unselfishness of the little boy play a key role in this story?
    5. What do we do in times of facing the impossible challenges of life?


I pray to see you Sunday at worship or you see me at worship via the internet,

Pastor Fischer

7/26/20 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Again, thank you so much for making Saturday Servants such a success!  We have had plenty of volunteers and food donations and even financial donations to make this community outreach a possibility.

Sunday I will be preaching on the Gospel of Matthew and the surprises of God.  Please read and meditate on Matthew 13:31-33 and 44-52.  Questions to ponder:

  1. What do these parables have in common?
  2. What do mustard seed, yeast, treasure, pearls and fish have to do with each other?
  3. Which of these five parables do you relate to the most?
  4. Which parable is the most difficult for you to understand and relate to?
  5. Do you enjoy surprises?
  6. What is the greatest surprise anyone has ever given you?

See you on Sunday,

Pastor Fischer