01/24/21 Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Just one email today, thank goodness.  Just a couple of things to pass along to you:


  1. Jake Walters is now at the Richard M. Campbell Veterans Nursing Home.  Of course, all assisted living facilities are still closed to visitors, due to COVID-19.  I encourage you to reach out to his wife, Ellen, with your words of love, prayer and concern.  Her number is:  864-226-6534.
  2. Speaking of COVID, for our safety, Pat and I would greatly appreciate you wearing a mask when you enter the church office to see us. 
  3. I will be preaching on the Gospel Reading Sunday, Mark 1:14-20 and taking a deeper longer at the connection to fishing and evangelizing. Some thoughts to ponder in preparation for the message Sunday:
    1. What is the strangest fishing story you have ever heard in your life?
    2. What is the most memorable occasion of a time when you have gone fishing?
    3. What did you use for bait?
    4. What kind of gear did you use?
    5. Who provided the expertise in the adventure?
    6. How do you relate to our Lord’s command that you and I are to “fish for people”?
    7. Are there certain “baits” better to use than others? 
    8. How much does timing and location play a part in the success of this endeavor?



In Christ,

Pastor Fischer