1/17/21 Congregational Weekly Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are several updates that may be of interest to you concerning our congregation:


  1. Earlier this week, on Monday evening, the Church Council continued its discussion of COVID and keeping the congregation safe at worship.  Beginning Sunday, I will greet you after the worship service, not in the narthex, which creates a bottleneck upon exiting, but down at the landing, at the bottom of the steps.

  2. I am now hearing from some in our congregation that they have begun to receive the first administration of the COVID-19 vaccinations.  Hopefully, with the Lord’s help, this virus will soon be a thing of the past!

  3. Thank you to all who responded to the call to fill the open dates on our flower chart.  As of right now, there are only two dates remaining:  June 27 and July 11.  If you are interested in one of these two dates, please let me know immediately with a REPLY, and that will keep us from having to print these dates later this morning for Sunday’s bulletin.

  4. Amy Goodson and I have almost completed all committees for 2021 but have one mystery to solve that we need your help with.  Someone has filled out their Time and Talent Sheet indicating they would be interested in serving on the Witness Committee for 2021 but did not sign the form so we have no way of making this happen.  If you are one of those interested in serving in this capacity for this year, please send me a REPLY this week, before we begin printing the Year Book.

  5. In case you are wondering how this works, after all the Time and Talent Sheets are turned in, Nancy Korn takes all this information and puts it into a spreadsheet, which enables us to complete the worship assignments for the new year.  There are still a copy of areas we need to beef up.  Due to COVID-19, and that several of our youth will be graduating soon, we are searching for a few adults who are willing to serve as acolytes.  We also would like to add a few more Assisting Ministers.  Both of these positions require the wearing a robe during worship and some training, which Nancy will provide.  If you can help us out, I need to know by Sunday evening, as we will be completing the Year Book and begin printing next week.

  6. Sunday, I will be preaching on the First Reading, I Samuel 3:1-20, as we explore the call of Samuel and how it may apply to our life.  I encourage you to read over this text ahead of time and get familiar with Samuel by also reading the first two chapters of Samuel. 

Two more quick items:

  1. In my earlier email requesting additional Worship Assistants, I realized that, unless you are doing this already, many of you may not really know what is expected of those who serve in this capacity.  Basically, you do the prayer before Holy Communion and after Communion (already printed in a hymnal), assist in the distribution of the wine/grape juice, and give the Dismissal from the back of the church at the end of the service.  I hope this helps you in your decision.

  2. Below is information Paul Wagner wanted me to share with the congregation concerning COVID-19.

Here is a list of people (per the CDC) that are at highest risk for having serious complications from COVID  (and who may wish to self-quarantine at this time).

People highest risk for having serious complications from COVID

People > 65 years of age
(8 out of 10 covid-19 deaths in the US have been adults 65 years old and older)

Adults with medical conditions
Adults of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19:

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer