WELCA Children’s Supplies to be taken to Convention. Check out the list below. Bins are located in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall. Collections will be accepted through June 9th.
Items for WELCA Collection Project
Household cleaning supplies – All-purpose spray cleaner, laundry detergent, Dish detergent,
Clorox liquid cleaner and whips, Lysol spray and air freshener
Non-perishable Food Canned fruit, vegetables and meat, fruit juices, tea, coffee, creamer,
sugar and sweetner, baby food, macaroni and cheese
Household Products – Paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, plastic eating utensils (plates, forks
and spoons), trach bags (kitchen and 33 gallon), towin size sheets and pillow cases
Gift cards and Monetary gifts — Walmart, Target, Visa or Grocery store cards to enable
purchase of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and mild as needed.