10/21/17 4th Annual Deutsches Fest

The Festival was a great success and a great time was had by all.

A total of $1718.00 was raised to be given to the HTLC youth for their trip to Houston for the Lutheran Youth Gathering in 2018

Thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make it happen.
































2nd Chance to donate food to AIM this Holiday season

If you missed making a food donation to AIM with the Trick or Treat so Others may Eat, you can still donate food by dropping off your items in the Hospital Cafeteria at either campus between November 6 to 22nd.

Semi-Annual Meeting Sunday 11/12/17

Please make plans to attend the Semi-Annual Meeting Sunday 11/12/17

We will be voting on nominees for 2018 Congregational Council.

Please see the bulletin for a list and information about each of the nominees.  

Thanksgiving Service

Thanksgiving Service
The Annual Anderson Community Thanksgiving Service this year will be at St. John’s United Methodist Church, at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 19th. The church address is 515 S. McDuffie Street. “Come Ye Thankful People Come.”

Revamping of the Visitation Committee

Revamping of Committee
We are in the process of starting back up the Visitation Committee. We are looking for a handful of folks who have a calling to visit our homebound members and occasionally to visit those in the hospital. Meetings would be minimum. The emphasis of this committee will be to work hand-in-hand with Pastor Fischer in these areas of ministry. If you are interested, simply contact the pastor via email, cell phone, or in person.

Reformation Sunday 10/29/2017

On this day we remember Martin Luther, born in 1483, nine years before Columbus discovered America. He studied law at the age of 21; became a priest at 23 and a doctor of theology at 28; wrote and nailed the 95 thesis at age 33 and 34; was ex-communicated and became a fugitive at 38; translated the Bible into German at 40; and died from a stroke at the age of 63, an internationally admired leader. His teachings stressed justification by faith, universal priesthood of believers; and supremacy of scripture which form the cornerstone of Protestantism.

We had with a visit today by “Martin Luther” who re-posted his
95 thesis on our church door.

We  also were able to interview him

See the video here



30 Seconds of Silence

Here is an interesting article by Frank Honeycutt on the confession of sins used in the weekly worship service.

Angel Tree

Time to help AIM provide Christmas for many Anderson
1. Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping.
2. Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office. Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Wednesday, December 6th. After December 6th, you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to AIM .
3. Please do not wrap gifts.

HTLC Blood Drive Sunday 10/15/17

Sunday October 15th, HTLC will have the AnMed Health Blood center donation vehicle at our church from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.


Please come with extra time to donate blood.

New Martin Luther Movie to show in Hartwell, GA October 23rd

As part of the 500th Anniversary of the Lutheran/Protestant Reformation, Faith Lutheran Church in Hartwell, Georgia will be showing the movie, “Martin Luther. The Idea that Changed the World.” It will be shown on Monday, October 23rd beginning at 7:30 p.m. The location is The Fine Arts Center at Hartwell High School, 95, 5th Avenue. There is no charge for the showing.
A free-will offering will be received at the door.
This is the first time in more than 60 years that Lutherans have made a feature-length film about Martin Luther and the Reformation. Filmed in historic locations across Europe, this movie brings Luther’s story to life with exquisite attention to detail. It’s a way to strengthen our faith by revisiting the birth of the Protestant Reformation and a chance to share that experience with others.
This movie was shown in Seneca several months ago at the movie theater and some of the congregation was able to see it. Comments received were very good.