3/14/20 WELCA Foothills Spring Conference Meeting

Women of the ELCA
Foothills Spring Conference Meeting
Saturday, March 14
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
St. John’s Lutheran
301W. Main Street
Walhalla, SC 29691
Please RSVP by March 1 to:
Beth Fischer (864) 225-1554 or email fischerfiye@att.net.
We will carpool to the meeting.

BROWN BAG RX Universal Medication Form

We filled out a few Universal Medication Form at our Brown Bag session.


For those who could not make it, but still want a tool to help them create a list of all their medications,  click on the link below to download a Microsoft word version of AnMed Health’s Universal Medication form

UMF 2005

If you have any problems or questions filling this form out, please feel free to contact any of the members of our health committee.

Never Too Late Group January 12th

The Never Too Late group will meet in the Fellowship Hall for their monthly lunch meeting. Our very own, Sandi Jordan, will be the guest speaker. Please join us on Wednesday, January 15 at 11: 45 a.m., as Sandi shares some “professional wisdom” for us to consider in the New Year.
You will need to make your reservation for the catered lunch by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 12th, by calling 226-4812 (Barbara Cleveland). The cost of the meal is $6.00.

Deutsches Fest Results

Deutsches Fest! A Great Success
On Saturday, October 6th, many in our congregation, along with some folks from Abiding Savior Lutheran Church, gathered for our 6th Annual Deutsches Fest to celebrate our Lutheran heritage. A big “Thank You” goes out to Virgil Hobbs who organized this event and to all who decorated, cooked, baked, grilled, and cleaned up afterwards to help make this such an enjoyable celebration. We had our largest attendance to date and all proceeds from this event will go towards our Lutheran Youth Group’s trip to the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN in 2021. To date a total of $1,541.00 was collected.

The Youth will be the recipients of this year’s Deutsches Fest funds to support their trip to the 2021 National Youth Gathering.

10/16 Never too late

Never-Too-Late Group Meeting
Please join us as we explore the exciting sport of sky diving.
Wednesday, October 16 11:45 a.m.
in the Fellowship Hall.
You will need to make your reservation for the catered
lunch by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 13,
by calling 226-4812 (Barbara

9/28/19 WELCA Foothills Fall Conference


Theme for conference is “Season Sisters”
September 28, 2019
10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. at
St. Matthias Lutheran Church
501 Powdersville Road
Easley, SC
RSVP to Beth Fischer by Wednesday,
September 18 if you are planning to
attend by e-mail (fischerfive@att.net or
text (864-933-7446)
We will carpool from the church at 9:00 a.m.

WELCA upcoming Events


Katie’s Ladies will meet Tuesday, September 17, for lunch at The Grey House in Starr, Iva.

All ladies of the church are welcome to attend. (We will carpool from the church at 11:30 a.m.) RSVP to Shirley Ebert (864) 353-7366 by September 15th.

Luther’s Ladies will meet Thursday, September 19, for dinner at Tucker’s Restaurant at 6:00 p.m. All ladies of the church are welcome to attend. RSVP to Beth Fischer by email fischerfive@att.net or call or text (864) 933-7446 by September 15th.

09/18/19 11:45AM Never-Too-Late Group

Never-Too-Late Group Meeting
Join us as we explore a Photo Safari to
South Africa’s Zulu
Nyala Reserve.
Wednesday, September 18, 11:45 a.m.
in the Fellowship Hall.
Make your reservation for the catered lunch by 6:00 p.m. on
Sunday, September 15, by calling 226-4812 (Barbara

8/18/19 LCY tubing trip

The LCY “Last Blast of Summer”, AKA the tubing down the Green River, will be held on Sunday, August 18th. We will attend the Early Service and then head for the river! Wear your swimsuit under your clothes or change after worship. Bring a towel, dry clothes, shoes you can wear in the river, lunch/drink, $15 for tube rental and any extra you might want for snacks after tubing. Please contact Ms. Amy if you plan on going or if you have any questions! Hope you can join us!

2019 LCY Convention

2019 LCY Convention
May 17-19 at Newberry College http://scsynod.us/lcyconvention

What is LCY Convention?

At our annual LCY Convention, we meet Jesus together and celebrate the ministry we share! We will join in large and small groups to learn, grow, play, and build community together, and conduct the business of our synod’s youth organization, SCLCY. Each youth can choose to participate in either the LIVING FAITH (standard programming), WORSHIP, or DRAMA track. We will amend our constitution, elect a new president, and each Conference will vote on their youth representative for our synod’s Youth Ministry Cabinet.
LCY Convention is a perfect opportunity for youth and adults to meet new people from around South Carolina, and see what it means that we’re Church together in the South Carolina Synod and in the ELCA!

Featuring ELCA Youth Gathering speaker Joe Davis!
Joe Davis is a nationally touring writer, speaker, and performer based in Minneapolis, MN. He is the frontman of emerging soul, funk, and spoken word ensemble, The Poetic Diaspora, and the co-founder and Artistic Director of H-Cubed: Harrison, Healing, and Harmony, a monthly event series centered on healing through the arts. As a student and educator, he has served as teaching artist at dozens of high schools and universities and most recently as the Artist-in-Residence at Luther Seminary, receiving a masters in Theology of the Arts.

Convention Information
2019 LCY Convention
April 26-28 at Newberry College (Drop off at Walker Hall) $130 per person before May 8, $150
per person after

Voting Members and Participants: Each congregation who has submitted a pledge in any amount to LCY is eligible to send two voting members aged 9th-12th grades, and we prefer at least one male and one female if possible. There is no pledge necessary to participate, and congregations may send as many participants in 6th – 12th grades as they want!