Women of the ELCA 2017 events list



February 26              Bold Women Day

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Temple Talk by Sare Alexander, AIM


March 3                      World Day of Prayer

First Presbyterian Church

Anderson, SC


March 11                   Spring Foothills Conference

Lutheran Church of Our Savior

Greenville, SC


May 7                         WELCA Sunday

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church


June 9 – 10                SC WELCA Convention

St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church

Lexington, SC

Theme:  “All Anew”


Fall                             Fall Foothills Conference Meeting

Date and Host to be announced


RETREATS               Camp Kinard – February 10 – 11, 2017


Isle of Palms – April 28 – 30, 2017


Wild Women Weekends at Lutheridge:

                                     5 weekends (February 3-5, February 10-12,

March 10-12, March 17-19 and March 24-26, 2017)


July 11-13, 2017      Triennial Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota

July 13-16, 2017      Triennial Gathering, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Semi-Annual meeting 2/12/17

Semi-Annual meeting of the congregation will be held Sunday, February 12th at 9:50 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. At this meeting the officers of the congregation, staff, committee chairs, organization presidents/leaders will present a brief report highlighting the accomplishments of the previous ministry year. There will be a light breakfast provided.

Reformation Exhibit in Atlanta

October 31, 2017 will be the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Our Worship and Music Committee has been busy discussing and exploring ways to celebrate this milestone. In that light we would like to present the opportunity to visit the Candler Pitts Library Exhibit related to Martin Luther. The exhibit is entitled Law & Grace. It has just opened and will be open until January 16. We will be taking a congregational trip on Saturday, January 14th .
• We will leave from the front parking lot at 8:00 a.m.

The exhibit includes items on loan from several German Museums and features the Law & Grace painting by Lucas Cranach, and the permanent Reformation Collection from the Richard Kessler collection that includes 3600 pieces of early Bibles, Hymnals, Luther’s writings, many Protestant and Catholic Catechisms, the only known copy of the Sluter Hymnal, and the first Latin and German editions of the Augsburg Confessions. The exhibit has many woodcuts and engravings as well.
The Kessler Collection was donated in 1987 and has continued to grow every year. If you or your family is interested in attending this trip there will be a Sign Up sheet in the narthex to determine if there is an interest. If you have questions please contact Pastor Fischer who is organizing this event. For more information google “Pitts Exhibit” then click on “Pitts Exhibit, Reformation Day to Focus on Upcoming Reformation Anniversary,”


POINSETTIAS for the Christmas Eve services

POINSETTIAS for the Christmas Eve services will be provided this year by Whitten’s for $ 15.00. Donors will be listed in the worship bulletin for the Christmas Eve services. If you would like to place an order for one or more, please fill out the form in the bulletin and place it in the offering plate or send to the Church office. The deadline is Sunday, December 18th. Payment must accompany your order. Plants may be picked up after the 11:00 p.m. service Christmas Eve. Please leave the three white poinsettias in the manger.

Glove, Hat and Scarf collection for South Main Chapel

Your help is Needed
Nurses are collecting gloves, hats and scarves for South Main Chapel and Mercy Center. This church serves the homeless population of Anderson and these will be distributed throughout the winter months. If you would like to help us in this project, there will be a marked box located in the room off the narthex for donations. Any size is welcomed. Please contact Amy Goodson for more information. Your help is appreciated!

8am – 12 noon Congregational Workday December 3rd 2016

8-9AM Breakfast prepared by HTLC Youth

9-12 Workday.  Get grounds ready for the holiday season.

Christmas Services 12/24 and Sunday 12/25

Again, this year, there will be two Christmas Eve Services

5:30 p.m. will be a Service of Lessons and Carols w/ Holy Communion and Candle lighting.  This is a more family-oriented service with a Children’s Sermon and a nursery will be provided.  Holy Communion will be by intinction.

11:00 p.m. will be a Liturgical Service w/ Holy Communion and Candle lighting.  This worship service has a gospel processional and Holy Communion will be at the altar, similar to what we do on Sunday mornings.  This service is for those who desire to be in worship during the midnight hour of Christmas Day.

On December 25, Sunday, Christmas Day

We will have one combined worship service at 10:00 a.m.  (No Sunday School).   It is not that often that we get to worship together on Christmas Day as a church family.  Come join us on this meaningful day in which we celebrate the birth of our Lord.

Advent Services Dinner and Services

We will have Advent Services on Wednesday night during the Advent Season

Advent Series
Serivce starts at 7PM

November 30 “Adventuring Into Advent”

December 7 “Witnesses to Christmas: The Animals”

December 14 “A Christmas That Lasts”

Meal at 6PM
prepared by

11/30/16 – Katie’s Ladies

12/7/16 – Youth Group

12/15/16 – Luther’s Ladies

The cost for the meals will be Adults $4.00, Children 5 to 12 years of age $2.50, 12 years and up $4.00, or Family $12.00

The new Advent Devotional:
From Heaven Above, is ready for you to pick up a copy in the Narthex. Please
limit one per family.

HTLC Youth to set up Chrismon Tree after the December 7th Service

2016 Christmas Pageant

The Christmas pageant will be on Sunday, December 11th, during the Late Service. All ages are needed to participate in this year’s program. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this delightful Christmas tradition! We will be using an original script created by Brenda McGowan.
Practices are during the Sunday School Hour:
•November 20
•November 27
•December 4
And on Wednesday nights before worship at 5:00 p.m.:
•November 30
•December 7
A full dress-rehearsal will take place on Saturday, December, 10 at 9:00 a.m. Our final
rehearsal will be Sunday, December 11 during the Sunday School.

12/4/16 5 PM Holy Communion Rite of Healing

Sunday, December 4th 2016 5PM

In the tradition of the Church, Holy Trinity will have a Service of Healing. For centuries Luke’s role as gospel writer has been rivaled only by his reputation as physician. Not only does he emphasize the healing work of the Lord in the gospel, but he also demonstrates the healing power which the Spirit gave to the apostles in the early church.
We believe as followers of Christ Jesus that our Lord desires our wholeness and healing.
Broken bodies, minds or spirits are not our God’s intent for us. Yet, we live in a world broken by sin.
During a Service of the Word for Healing, we gather for the purpose of hearing God’s healing Word for us. The Rite of Healing is a time of intentional prayer for healing — healing of mind, body, spirit and relationship. We pray intentionally for the healing of friends, family, and ourselves.
After the Scripture Readings, Sermon, and Prayers of the People, time will be given for silent prayer and for those who desire to come forward and kneel, as part of the Rite, the minister places his/her hands on the recipient’s head and prays. Oil, the ancient balm of healing and anointing, will mark your forehead in the shape of a cross.
Again, your prayers may be for yourself or a loved one. The Rite of Healing, an act as old as the Church, calls to our minds the promises of God to comfort and to remain with us.
You are encouraged to invite a friend and join us for this evening.
In Christ,
Pastor Fischer