Helpful Hint of the Month
I am interested in being more involved in the ministry of the congregation.
What is the process?
This is the perfect time. Each October members of the congregation have the
opportunity to fill out a Time and Talent Survey, indicating what they would like
to do in the upcoming year. Would you like to serve as an assistant minister or
lay reader? Are you interested in serving on the Altar Guild (preparing Holy
Communion, washing altar linens, distributing the altar flowers to the home
bound, polishing the altar brassware and candles, cleaning up after Holy
Communion)? Next year we are doing something new as we look for adults who
will be helping as acolytes, and occasional crucifers, torch bearers and bible
bearers. After the Time and Talent surveys are returned, Nancy Korn creates a
worship spread sheet from all the information for the following year and this is
shared with the various committee chairs.
We could really use a few more teams to serve as offering tabulators. Would you
like to provide altar flowers in Memory Of or In Honor Of someone? This is the
time to do this. Our secretary, Pat, creates these two schedules.
Would you like to serve on a committee or team? Choices include: Worship and Music, Learning, Witness, Service, Health Ministry, Mutual Ministry, Personnel, Property, Support, Fellowship/Recreation, Future Ministry, Youth, Mission Endowment, Audit, Columbarium, Playground, Visitation, and Safety. For more information about each group, see the church By-Laws or contact Pastor Fischer for how often these committees meet and what they do.
Please know that if you volunteer you will be called upon to serve. Come serve the Lord and His people through these opportunities! Training will be provided for each ministry.