Angel Tree It’s that time again….

Angel Tree
It’s that time again….

Time to help AIM provide Christmas for many Anderson families.
1.Pick a tag off the “Angel Tree” in the Narthex and go shopping.
2.Please do not wrap gifts.
3.Leave gift, with tag attached, in the church office parlor.
Gifts should be returned NO LATER than, Wednesday, December 5th
After December 5th ,you will be responsible for delivering your gifts to

HTLC Angel Tree

Holy Trinity will again have the Angel Tree in the Narthex this year.
Families will be chosen by AIM and given to us for Christmas giving.
Please watch for the “Angel Tree”.
More information on this ministry will also be in the church’s bulletin.

Family Promise of Anderson County Needs Volunteers!!!

Family Promise
of Anderson County
Needs Volunteers!!!

Family Promise of Anderson County needs individual and group volunteers to represent them at Lights of Hope 2018!!! The more volunteer hours that are provided on Family Promise’s behalf, the greater portion of the funds they will receive! This is an excellent opportunity for groups to volunteer together! It’s also an excellent opportunity for students to get community service hours!
Here are the Dates:
Set-up Dates:
All Saturdays in October: 9 a.m. — 4 p.m. (free lunch provided)
All Sundays in October: 1 p.m. — 4 p.m.
The first three Saturdays in November (31.`1, 10th, and 17th): 9 a.m. — 4 p.m. (free lunch provided)
The first three Sundays in November (4th, 11th, and 18th): 1 p.m. — 4 p.m.
Front Gate Volunteers Dates:
November 27 — 6 people max December 7 — 10 people max
November 30 — 10 people max December 16 — 6 people max
December 2 — 6 people max December 17 — 6 people max
Contact Family Promise to find out more information and to sign up!
Call: 864-760-0908

Disaster Relief for the Carolina’s

Monetary donations allow for the most flexibility. Donations through the synod will be used throughout the Carolinas for immediate need. Donations through Lutheran Disaster Response will go toward the long-term recovery stages.
Giving through the South Carolina Synod may be done online here. Choose South Carolina Disaster Response. If you’d like to give by text through the synod, please follow these instructions.
If you’re using text giving for the first time:
• Text “Give” to 864-383-1482
• Click the link to finish setting up your gift
• Select “Disaster” from the drop-down menu (perhaps include a screenshot)
• Choose whether you’d like to cover the fees, and hit “Give” at the bottom of the form to complete your gift!
If you’ve used text giving before:
• Text “[dollar amount] Disaster” (WITHOUT QUOTES) to 864-383-1482
• Ex. “100 Disaster” (WITHOUT QUOTES)
• You’re done!

Thrivent Financial is matching gifts made dollar for dollar–up to $1 million-through the end of 2018. Go to the Thrivent Disaster Relief page, expand the Hurricane Florence section (using the plus sign), choose your relief organization from those listed, and complete the form. Givers need not have Thrivent accounts to have donations matched.


Volunteer Services
The state of South Carolina is asking volunteers to NOT SELF-DEPLOY into hard-hit areas. Showing up to communities impacted by the hurricane will create an additional burden for first responders. Volunteer opportunities often require specialized training, and the state wants to ensure all volunteers are safe during recovery operations.
If you would like to volunteer, please register at VolunteerSC.orq. The site, maintained by the United Way Association of South Carolina and matches volunteers with appropriate opportunities to help.

Please do not donate clothes. They often become a second disaster.

SCEMD is requesting that South Carolina citizens take collected food items to local food banks or other charitable organizations. These local food banks and organizations work with the state and will distribute food to the survivors in South Carolina and other impacted areas.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has granted individual assistance to several counties (including Dillon, Marlboro, Horry, and Marion have been granted Public Assistance) you can apply online for assistance at Constituents may call the registration phone number at 1-800-621-3362; those who have a speech disability or hearing loss and use TTY, should call 1-800-462-7585 directly; for those who use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS), call 1-800-621-3362.

Emergency Kits
Emergency kits are still needed. please visit our Hurricane Florence update
page for more information on these.

Give blood for those in need
Red Cross personnel are now deployed to respond to needs in the affected area, requiring that blood drives across the state be canceled for the foreseeable future. And yet, there is a real need for donated blood. Contact the Red Cross in your area to find out where to give blood to help.


We will be honored to have the Reverend Eric Wolfe with us on Sunday, September 23. He is the Assistant to Bishop Yoos. Not only will Pastor Wolfe be our guest pastor during our worship services that day, he will also spend time with us during the Sunday School hour in the Pairs and Spares Room to give us an update on the SC Synod and to have some time for Questions and Answers. Both adult Sunday School classes are invited to attend this informative session as well as the congregation. Then after the Late Service he and Amy Goodson will be meeting with the Youth group in Fellowship Hall for lunch and conversation.

Gideons International visit

Thank you to Frank Arthur for visiting with us on September 9th.

He was able to give us a very nice overview of the great work that the Gideons international do every day.

If you wish to make an online contribution, you can click on the link below to be taken to there web site.



Child Evangelism Fellowship/Good News Club Information and Updates

Child Evangelism Fellowship/Good News Club Information and Updates:

As a congregation, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church continues to sponsor two elementary schools in the Good News Club. Some of our members help at Concord Elementary School while others assist at Mt. Lebanon Elementary School. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry please contact Sandi Jordan to volunteer at Concord and Jane Cahaly if you would like to help at Lebanon. We will begin meeting again on Sept. 12- Dec 12 and Jan. 8-April 9th.
On September 20th the CEF Annual Banquet and Fundraiser will take place in Anderson from 6:15-8:30 p.m. at Covenant Baptist Church. The Guest speakers will be Dr. Henry Blackaby and, his son, Dr. Richard Blackaby.

Please keep this mission’s work in your prayers. Your prayers are a vital part of this work which allows CEF to reach more and more children who are lost and without hope, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Anderson, in the US and throughout the 190 countries in which we serve. If you are unaware of this ministry, contact Donna Rogers, the Anderson Area Ministry Coordinator (864-367-2515).

Also consider attending the Banquet on September 20th where you will gain a much greater understanding and appreciation of what the Lord is doing to reach children with the Gospel and how you could co-labor with us.


United Way of Anderson sponsors a food assistance program for needy children attending elementary school…referred to as the Snack Pack Program. During the 2016/2017 school year, the program provided food bags for 1,000 children each week. The program requires both funding and volunteer support to meet this level of commitment to the Anderson community. The program resumes in July for the 2018/2019 school year and once again volunteers will be needed to prepare the 1,000 food bags that will help ensure that needy children will have food each Saturday and Sunday. Members of the Men in Mission group will be supporting the activity during the 2018/2019 school year. Other members of the congregation are encouraged to participate as well. The United Way coordinator for the Snack Pack program has advised us that volunteer support to prepare the food bags is needed for the following dates: July 6 (9:00 am to 11:00 am); July 13 (9:00 am to 11:00 am); and July 23 (1:00 pm to 3:00 pm). The bags are prepared at the Golden Harvest warehouse located near the I-85/SR 81 interchange. The address of the warehouse is 311 Alliance Parkway, Williamston, SC (behind the McDonald’s on SR 81).
Please let Tom Weeks know if you want to help prepare the food bags during the 2018/2019 school year. At the moment, we only have dates for preparing the food bags for July. The schedule for August should be available in mid to late July and will be announced in the church bulletin. Send questions/responses to Tom Weeks at 864-332-8954 or 864-221-1935 or by email (preferred) at NOTE: Volunteers are required to wear closed toe shoes while in the warehouse (no sandals).

Saturday Servants – Each Saturday in July

Again this year HTLC will prepare bag lunches For Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen through The Saturday Servant Program. There are four Saturdays in July. Each Saturday we will meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. (please note the new time) to prepare 100 peanut butter/jelly sandwiches and 100 bologna sandwiches. Each bag will contain a sandwich, fruit, juice, sweet snack cake and chips. Eight hundred bag lunches will be provided during the month of July.

A big thank you to all who donated food items, now all we need are volunteers to help make the sandwiches.  Every Saturday in the month of July we have our Saturday Servants Program where we help feed those who are hungry in Anderson.  We will gather in Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. to make 200 sandwiches and assemble food bags to be given out.  This takes about 30-45 minutes, depending on the number of volunteers we have.  Then at 11:00 a.m. for those who would like to participate in the distribution of the sandwiches, we carpool over to the Anderson Soup Kitchen located on West Franklin Street.  This takes about 30 minutes.   We begin this Saturday, July 7th.

FATHER’S DAY is June 17th.

FATHER’S DAY is June 17th.
A special offering, sponsored by the Lutheran Men, is being received to be given to the
South Carolina Lutheran Men in Mission. If you would like to make a donation
In Memory Of or In Honor Of your Father, please fill out the form below (found in the weekly bulletin.)

The names will be listed in the bulletin on Father’s Day.

Deadline is June 10th.
In Memory of ___________________________

In Honor of______________________________

Other (To the Glory of God) __________________________

Given by ________________________________

Amount $_______________________________