05/02/21 HTLC COVID Policy changes
At its April meeting, the Church Council has made the following COVID protocol changes: BEGINNING MAY 2: 1) The congregation may sing the Kyrie and Psalms each week in worship […]
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But we are proud to say that Paul Wagner contributed 835 entries already.
At its April meeting, the Church Council has made the following COVID protocol changes: BEGINNING MAY 2: 1) The congregation may sing the Kyrie and Psalms each week in worship […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, A couple of things to pass along to you: The Church Council, at its meeting Monday night, approved the following changes to our […]
CROSS OF FLOWERS Again this year the cross will be outside in front of the church. Your Easter flowers may be […]
BUTTERFLY TREE Throughout the 40 days of Lent, our sanctuary hosted a “dead” tree, covered with caterpillars. On Good Friday the caterpillars went into their cocoons, but today and throughout […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Here are some updates to pass along to you about upcoming events in the congregation: Operation Inasmuch Update: To date we […]
These links are now permanently placed on church website on our documents download page https://htlc-anderson.org/church-documents-for-download/ Advanced care Planning document from Men’s group speaker in March 2021 ACP Overview for Patients […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Some things to pass along to you this week include: Don’t forget, this coming Sunday is Palm Sunday. We will NOT […]
The Lutheran Men in Mission recognized Dave Korn’s service this morning by presenting him with a lifetime membership.
Dear Members and Friends of HTLC, Below are some updates with the congregation you may find helpful: Beginning on Monday of next week, the Call Tree will be […]
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity, Here are the weekly updates on congregational happenings: Our attendance in Sunday worship continues to grow each week. The past Sunday […]