08/22/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are some things I consider worthy to pass along to you this week:

  1. This past week, Anita Brady sold her house and she is now living at the Summit Place, Room #103. She still has the same phone number, listed in the Church Directory.

  2. The Prayer Card Requests (yellow cards) are now back in the pews.  When you have prayer needs, simply fill out the name of the person you want prayed for and your name as the sponsor, and place the yellow card in one of the offering plates (located in the Narthex and Sacristy – the room where Holy Communion is prepared), or send Pat an email with the information, or call her in the office.  The names will be printed in the following Sunday’s bulletin.

  3. Yes, you are not seeing things.  The city repaved the road in front of the church, Broad Street, earlier this week.

  4. Last night, I joined other members of the Safety Team in an Active Shooter Training session led by Lt. Tod Caron with the Anderson Sheriff’s Department.  We met at Temple B’Nai Israel, just down the street from the church.

  5. Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, John 6:56-69, as we explore Simon Peter’s words to Christ, “You have the words of eternal life.” 
    • What do these words mean to you?
    • Who are the people in our life who we trust, without question?
    • Why do we place in our trust in the words of the Bible?
    • Why do we place our trust in Jesus?


I hope to see you, either in person at worship on Sunday, or you seeing me in worship over the internet.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer