09/26/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are this week’s updates:

  1. Sunday is the deadline to turn in nominations for the Church Council.  This is a 3-year term, from 2022-2024. There is a form in Sunday’s bulletin that needs to be filled out and placed in the box in the narthex or the sacristy (room near the ramp door).

  2. As I mentioned last Sunday in the Announcements, we recently received four letters in the mail from four Lutheran congregations in the upstate, letting us know that their congregation recently lifted us up in their prayers.  The letters were signed by members of each congregation.  The four congregations were: The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Newberry, Colony Evangelical Lutheran Church in Newberry, St. John Lutheran Church in Pomaria, and Grace Lutheran Church in Prosperity.  How great is that!!!

  3. Last week many of you have picked up hymnals we are trying to find homes for. Thank you! Here is an updated list of what still remains.  Please help yourself to as many copies as you want by using the door code or pick them up on Sunday.
    1. 26 copies of the Service Book and Hymnal (the red hymnal printed in 1958, the one before the “green hymnal”)
    2. 1 copy of The Lutheran Book of Worship (better known simply as “the green hymnal” – printed in 1978
    3. 16 copies of the Christian Youth Hymnal (printed in 1948)

  4. The LMM group will gather on Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall, wearing masks.  Please eat before you arrive as there will be no meal served at this meeting.  Or if you choose, you can join us using Zoom.

  5. Sunday is WELCA Sunday when the women of the congregation will be leading the worship service.  We are blessed to have Jane Cahaly giving the message.  If you have looked at the internet bulletin for Sunday, you have noticed a blank page for the writing of sermon notes.  As you know, Jane is a gifted teacher so we look forward to her presence with us.

  6. Finally, have you thanked the Lord for this gorgeous weather!  I know I have and will continue to do so.


God’s Peace,

Pastor Fischer