9/5/21 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:


  1. We keep Elizabeth Fogle and her family in our thoughts and prayers upon the recent deaths of both of her sisters, Ashley Harvey and Kay Cherup, who died within the past two weeks with COVID.

  2. Sunday, I will be preaching on the Holy Gospel, Mark 7:24-37 as we look at “The Power of Words.”
    1. What are the most powerful words you have ever heard?
    2. What words have the potential to change our life?
    3. Sometimes the words we chose inspire others and lift them up.
    4. Sometimes the words we hear frighten us and scare us to death.
    5. Sometimes the words we use cause great damage.
    6. What does the word, “Ephphatha,” mean in our Gospel reading?
    7. In what ways does our Lord use this word in our lives today?

  3. Since we are currently not singing hymns in our worship service due to COVID, to compensate for this, on Holy Communion Sundays, our soloists will sing two solos – one after the Message as we have been doing and one will be sung during the distribution of Holy Communion.

  4. We are still looking for someone to fill our volunteer spot to take care of the maintenance of our small power equipment at the church.  Please see your copy of the bulletin or the Messenger for all the details.

  5. A reminder that the SC Women of the ELCA  are receiving donations for their two projects of their upcoming convention – Lutheran Disaster Response and the SC Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers. Details are also in your bulletin and the Messenger.

  6. Monday, the Church Office will be closed for the Labor Day holiday.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer