Good News Club

Good News Club

Our group meets at Concord Elementary every Tuesday during the school year.

Won’t you consider helping out on Tuesdays during the School year from 2:00-4:00 PM? The group provides refreshments for the kids along with a video lesson.  We could use all volunteers, but really could use some more “male” role models!

On June 11, 2001, the US Supreme Court decision in Good News Clubs vs. Milford Central School ruled that equal treatment of religious speakers is not endorsement of religion_ This equal access decision opened the doors for after-school religious clubs through which the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF} has initiated News Clubs in public schools in every state in the US and around the world.
Good News clubs are sponsored by local churches and coordinated by CEF. They meet for 1 1/2 hour once a week after school in school buildings and every school in Anderson County had a Good News Club sponsor last year.

In the partnership between CEF and Holy Trinity, CEF will train all our volunteers, provide teaching materials, background screening, full-time staff support and liabiliry insurance. Holy Trinity will purchase teaching materials, and provide the volunteers.
The Holy Trinity/Concord Good News Club will start on Tuesday, September 20th and provides an amazing opportunity to share the Good News with 50-60 children weekly.!
Please prayerfully consider participating in this amazing opportunity to not only be -Salt and Light- by reflecting God’s love to our community, but to actually share the source of that love by introducing our “lambs”.