February 11th Bold Women Day
Bold Women Day is coming up on February 11th. It is a celebration of women within the ELCA and specifically within HTLC. Please join us as we honor the women of the church.
Bold Women Day is coming up on February 11th. It is a celebration of women within the ELCA and specifically within HTLC. Please join us as we honor the women of the church.
In the event of turbulent weather, Holy Trinity has a phone tree that will be activated. A member from Church Council will call if inclement weather will effect church services being canceled.
Here are some pictures of the remodeling in progress.
All of the old fellowship hall chairs have been purchased at this time.
Thanks to all who purchased chairs.
All proceeds will be put towards the fellowship hall renovations
Semi-Annual meeting of the congregation will be held Sunday, February 11th at 9:50 a.m. At this meeting the officers of the congregation, staff, committee chairs, organization presidents/leaders will present a brief report highlighting the accomplishments of the previous ministry year.
Christmas 2017 Services
This year, Since Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday there will be three Christmas Eve Services a 10AM combined morning worship service (No Sunday School) and 2 evening services. A 5:30 p.m. will be a Service of Lessons and Carols w/ Holy Communion and Candle lighting. This is a more family-oriented service with a Children’s Sermon and a nursery will be provided. Holy Communion will be by intinction. 11:00 p.m. will be a Liturgical Service. Candle lighting at both evening services.
5th Sunday December 31st Sunday School 8:45 AM and 10AM Worship Service. There will be no meal following the service.
For our Christmas service project, the Faith Community Nurses of Anderson will be once again collecting winter hats and gloves for our neighbors at South Main Chapel and Mercy Center. This church serves many of the homeless population of Anderson. These items will be distributed by the Faith Community Nurses at South Main to their clients this winter. If you would like to help, please place gloves and hats in the box in the Narthex labeled “FCN Glove and Hat donations”. Thank you, Amy Goodson
Gideon Update
A big Thank you to the congregation for your financial support of the Gideon bible ministry on November 26. Together we donated $769.00 which will allow many more bibles to be purchased and placed where they are needed.
POINSETTIAS for the Christmas Eve services will be provided this year by Whitten’s for $ 15.00. Donors will be listed in the worship bulletin for the Christmas Eve services. If you would like to place an order for one or more, please fill out the form and place it in the offering plate or send to the Church office. The deadline is Sunday, December 17th. Payment must accompany your order. Plants may be picked up after the 11:00 p.m. service Christmas Eve. Please leave the three white poinsettias in the manger.
All you fish lovers, now available: 2 1/2 pound bags of fish recently caught by HTLC Fishing Charters Team for a donation to the World Hunger Fund. Please contact the church office during office hours or Larry Brown or Tom Weeks on Sunday