Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,
Here are this week’s congregational happenings:
• We had a tremendous turnout this past week for our Saturday Servants event. In fact, we had the largest numbers yet with 35 helping out! You are reminded that we will NOT gather this coming Saturday to make sandwiches as the 2nd Saturday of each month (for the entire year) is handled by another congregation. We will resume again on July 20 and 27.
• With our youth of the congregation and adult advisors leaving Monday to attend the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, we will have a Rite of Blessing over them as part of the Late Service Sunday.
• Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel, Mark 6:14-29, as we hear again the story of Herod ordering the beheading of John the Baptist and how this story might be applied to our life. I am sure I have peaked your interest.
• Earlier this week, we received a letter from two churches praying for our congregation as part of their ministry. They are St. James Lutheran Church in Graniteville and The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Newberry. I have posted them on the bulletin board in the hallway of the Education Building, next to the library.
• I spoke with Shirely Ebert this morning and found out that Bill has been placed in the care of hospice about two weeks ago. You are asked to keep Bill and Shirley in your thoughts and prayers. Even though they moved to Lexington, SC two years ago, they are still members of Holy Trinity. Their address is listed in our church directory if you would like to send them a card.
In Christ
Pastor Fischer