9/24 WELCA Sunday

Sunday, September 24 will be WELCA Sunday. Rev. Ashley Twitchell will be our guest pastor
at both services. She is serving as the Chaplain at Rosecrest Retirement Community, one of our
Lutheran Homes of SC. All ladies can help with the service.

2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

All Youth 8th-12th grade are invited to our first informational meeting about the upcoming 2024 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. The meeting will be held on Sunday, September 24th, immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service. All eligible Youth and at least one of their parents are encouraged to attend. We will discuss the Gathering, travel plans, and lodging. Because of the cancellation of the last Gathering, the now Young Adults who missed the last event (due to COVID) are also eligible to attend in 2024 so they too are invited to attend the meeting. Lunch will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Goodson.

HTLC Youth Sunday School

Calling all HTLC youth!
We are giving this another shot! We hope you will join us for a casual Youth Sunday School class that follows the church lectionary. This will be a space where we will use scripture to guide discussion about school, current events, and whatever is going on in our lives. Connor Caldwell (ELCY Alum) and Anna Caldwell will be tag-teaming the leadership of this class, so please see either of them with any questions you may have. The class will be beginning on Sunday, September 3 in the Youth Sunday School Room right next door to the Choir Room. Our church may be small, thus our class may be small, but there will always be at least three of us, so no need to worry about being the only one! We are excited to see you there!

10/21/23 WELCA Fall Foothills Conference Meeting

Fall Foothills Conference Meeting
Saturday, October 21, 2023
St. Michael Lutheran Church
2619 Augusta Street
Greenville, SC 29605

Seasoned with Love

The women of St. Michael Lutheran Church WELCA are looking forward to hosting the Fall Foothills Conference on Saturday, October 21, from 10:00AM to 2:00PM in the church’s fellowship hall. You will be welcomed at the 9:30 a.m. registration with a light breakfast and coffee/juice.

We invite you to join us as a woman of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a child of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The guest speaker will be Mandy Learo, a representative of Jasmine Road in Greenville, whose mission is to provide a path to healing and employment for women survivors of sex trafficking, prostitution and addiction. Jasmine Road is modeled after the very successful Thistle Farms non profit which was founded over 20 years ago in Nashville, TN. Join us to hear about the mission, vision, history, residential program, and social enterprises that support and address the healing needs of each woman in this program. Our catered lunch will be prepared by Jasmine Kitchen, one of the numerous recovery opportunities that is a part of Jasmine Road.

Please RSVP by contacting Beth Fischer at fischerfive@att.net or text (864) 933-7446, if you are interested in going/carpooling, by Wednesday, September 27th .

08/20/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Here are a few of the things going on this in our congregation,


  • A big “Thank You” to the 18 who came out Monday morning to put together SnackPack bags for the United Way of Anderson County for the school children in our surrounding area.

  • This coming Sunday, after the Early Service, Amy Goodson will be taking our Youth and some of their parents tubing down the Green River.  For the last number of years, it has been our back-to-school tradition as the “Last Blast of Summer.”

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the Gospel text of Matthew 15:10-28 of Jesus being challenged by a persistent mother who will not go away.  I encourage you to read this story and wrestle with why Jesus treats her in the way he does.  As my sermon title implies, “What’s Wrong With Jesus?”

  • On Monday of next week, Pat will be taking the day off.

  • Finally, I hope you are making plans to attend my upcoming Adult Catechism Classes, which will begin two weeks from this coming Tuesday, on September 5, when we will dive into the world of baptism and all related questions to this topic.  


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

8/20/23 LCY “Last Blast of Summer”

The LCY “Last Blast of Summer”, AKA the tubing down the Green River, will be held Sunday, August 20th.
We will attend the Early Service and then head for the river! Wear your swimsuitnunder your clothes or change after worship. Bring a towel, dry clothes, shoes you can wear in the river, lunch/drink, $20 for tube rental and any extras you might want for snacks after tubing. Please contact Ms. Amy if you plan on going or if you have any questions! Hope you can join us!



The beautiful quilts that will be draped over each pew on 6/25/23 are now ready to be sent to the Lutheran World Relief (LWR) warehouse in Maryland. This year,
fabric kits have also been assembled. These kits consist of two pieces of fabric and 2 spools of thread, simple supplies that lead to a useful, marketable skill. The 48 quilts and 12 fabric kits will be blessed during the services today.  From the Maryland warehouse quilts and kits are shipped by LWR to many countries where there is a

You may make a donation to cover the cost of the shipping by writing a check to Holy Trinity and putting “shipping quilts” in the memo and placing it in the offering plate.

Jane Potter, Roz Eckardt, Cherie Brown, Kim Hill, Beth Passow, Robin Sandwick, Barbara Thomas, and Nancy Korn worked on these quilts.

Fabric Kits were assembled by Nancy Korn.

New Womans Bible Study Group

We would like to start a women’s Bible Study group! The group will meet in the evenings to
allow those who work or go to school to be able to attend as well. Women of all ages are
If you’re interested, please contact Lauren Guthre at leguthre@yahoo.com with the following
• Your name
• Which weekday would work best for you: Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday
• What time would work best (6:00-7:00 p.m., 6:30-7:30 p.m., etc.)
• What you would like to study! The floor is open for your ideas!
The group will likely begin meeting in the fall, so there is PLENTY of time to send in your ideas
and availability!



In Fellowship Hall “LADIES NIGHT”

All men in the HTLC congregation are invited to attend the Lutheran Men Mission meeting at 6:00 PM on Monday, May 22nd . This will be the last meeting before the summer break and in celebration of summer the meal will be a cookout featuring hotdogs, hamburgers and the fixin’s. Wives of current and former members are invited to attend. Our speaker for this meeting will be Rev. Chase Edgar, pastor of The Anglican Church of the Ascension.

Come out and join in the fellowship. Convertible owners are expected to attend, with tops down.

04/22/23 WELCA Spring Foothills Conference

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will be hosting the WELCA Spring Foothills Conference in our Fellowship Hall on April 22, 2023 (10:00 am to 12:30 pm).  Jane Cahaly will be our guest speaker, so in case you missed it before, come to hear her presentation on the Salt & Light Ministries.  All women of the church are welcome to attend if you are in a circle group or not.  The two circle groups, along with the WELCA board, are busy planning this event and the theme will be “God’s Spring Blessings.”  A light continental breakfast as well as lunch will be served.  There is no charge for this event, but the group does take up a freewill offering.

If you plan to attend, please contact Beth Fischer 864-933-7446 by April 9 so we can get a count of the number attending.


ALL ladies of all ages are welcome to attend either (or both) circle groups.  Katie’s Ladies meet on the 2nd Tuesday morning each month at 10:00, and Luther’s Ladies meet on the 3rd Thursday evening at 6:00.  Both meet in the office conference room.  Contact Beth Cribbe for questions about the morning group and Beth Fischer about the evening group.  Attending circle groups is a good way to get to know the ladies in our church and share God’s love.