Successful Congregational Work day

Congregation Work Day
We had a pleasant morning for our work day. It started out overcast but cleared and warmed up as the morning progressed. We raked the backyard of the Luther House and playground lawn area picking up leaves, sticks and pecan husks. After the playground equipment area was blown clear of leaves the mulch was rototilled to loosen the compacted mulch. This restores cushion to the mulch for playground safety. The Rose of Sharon shrubs at the side of Fellowship Hall building were pruned. The steps down to the Sanctuary furnace room were cleared of leaves to prevent clogging of the floor drain. Leaves were removed from the shrubbery and lawn in front of the Office. There was enough wind to make moving the leaves a challenge. One had to go with the wind which limited where the leaves could be moved to. However, there was a large pile of leaves left for Monday pick-up by the City.
Thanks to our volunteers Robert Allen, Jeff Eckardt, Dave Korn, Tony Mollgaard, Dave Rasche, Ernie Thoms, Bobby Wagner and Tom Weeks.

Advent Season Schedule

Advent Meals — 6:00 p.m.
December 4 Katie’s Ladies — host
December 11 Luther’s Ladies – host
December 18 Youth — host
There will be a free will offering received.
Advent Worship Services to follow at 7:00 p.m.

Christmas Pageant 12/15 during the late service

The Christmas Pageant will be on Sunday, December 15th, during the Late Service. All ages are needed to participate in this year’s program. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this delightful Christmas tradition! We will again be using an original script created by Brenda McGowan.
Practices are as follows:
•November 24 – During the Sunday School Hour
•November 27 – Wednesday evening at 5:00 p.m.
•December 8 — During the Sunday School Hour
‘December 11 — Wednesday before the Advent dinner at 5:00 p.m.
•December 14 — Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Full Dress Rehearsal
•December 15 — Final rehearsal during Sunday School

12/22 Annual Christmas Caroling and Chili

Anyone wanting to join up to eat a great chili meal and then go caroling to at nursing homes and to shut-ins can meet at the Fellowship Hall.

A great way to bring Christmas cheer to all.

We will meet in the fellowship hall at 5PM Sunday December 22nd.

Poinsettias order form for 2019

POINSETTIAS for the Christmas Eve services will be provided this year by Whitten’s for $16.00. Donors will be listed in the worship bulletin for the Christmas Eve services. If you would like to place an order for one or more, please fill out the form and place it in the offering plate or send to the Church office. The deadline is Sunday, December 15th . Payment must accompany your order. Plants may be picked up after the 11:00 p.m. service Christmas Eve. (Please leave the three white poinsettias in the manger.)


You can download the form by clicking on the link below
poinsettias order form 2019

Entire Congregation invited to Lutheran Men in Mission meeting 11/25/19

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,

Hopefully you have seen the notice in the bulletin and Messenger announcing that the entire congregation is invited to the next Lutheran Men in Mission Supper meeting, Monday, November 25 at 6:30 p.m.  We are excited to have as our speaker, Sheriff Chuck Wright of Spartanburg County.  Although he is in the news quite a bit with his law enforcement approach, what is often overlooked is his faithful devotion to the Lord as a fellow Lutheran. 

The meal for the evening has been donated and in exchange we simply ask that you bring a free-will offering which will go to the Lutheran Men in Mission’s Pee Dee Indian Building Project.  To make sure enough food is prepared, all we ask is that you let me know, or my wife, or Pat in the church office, if you are not a regular LMM monthly attendee.    Send me a REPLY and I will add you the list.

Come join us for what promises to be a very enjoyable and inspirational time together.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

New Church Council Members Elected

Congratulations to our newly elected council members

Allan Cole 

Mike Cox

Amy Goodson

Kate Roehrs

Deutsches Fest Results

Deutsches Fest! A Great Success
On Saturday, October 6th, many in our congregation, along with some folks from Abiding Savior Lutheran Church, gathered for our 6th Annual Deutsches Fest to celebrate our Lutheran heritage. A big “Thank You” goes out to Virgil Hobbs who organized this event and to all who decorated, cooked, baked, grilled, and cleaned up afterwards to help make this such an enjoyable celebration. We had our largest attendance to date and all proceeds from this event will go towards our Lutheran Youth Group’s trip to the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN in 2021. To date a total of $1,541.00 was collected.

The Youth will be the recipients of this year’s Deutsches Fest funds to support their trip to the 2021 National Youth Gathering.

New Adult Sunday School Series

New Adult Sunday School Series
We recently began a six-session Bible study developed by communicator, author and pastor, Andy Stanley. Twisting the Truth is designed to help us understand how truth can get twisted and distorted, and how that impacts our life. Throughout the study Pastor Stanley exposes four destructive and all-too-prevalent lies about authority, pain, sex, and sin. They’re deceptions powerful enough to ruin our relationships, our lives, even our eternities—but only if we let them. With his gift for straight, to-the-heart communication, he helps us exchange falsehoods for truths that can turn our lives completely around.
Sessions include:
1. The Sound of Deception
2. All Is Not as It Seems
3. Says Who?
4. Facing Forward
5. It’s Only Physical
6. It’s No Mistake
Come and join us each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the bottom level of the Education Building.

Save the Dates!

Save The Dates
Sunday, November 24 — Community Thanksgiving Service 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 15 — Annual Christmas Pageant during the 11:00 a.m. service
Sunday, December 22 — Congregational Christmas Caroling and Chili 5:00 p.m.