9/24 WELCA Sunday

Sunday, September 24 will be WELCA Sunday. Rev. Ashley Twitchell will be our guest pastor
at both services. She is serving as the Chaplain at Rosecrest Retirement Community, one of our
Lutheran Homes of SC. All ladies can help with the service.

9/10/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are a few things to pass along to you this week:


  • Our first Adult Catechism class was well attended on Tuesday morning with 19 in attendance.  That same material on Baptism will be repeated at tonight’s class from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Pairs and Spares Room.  Then next week, we will cover the topic of Holy Communion on Tuesday morning and Thursday evening.  Again, if you cannot attend all classes, come to the ones you can.

  • You should be able to tell from Sunday’s sermon title, “Yes, But He Started It!,” that we will be covering the subject of dealing with times when others hurt us, based on our Gospel Reading from Matthew 18:15-20.

  • On Tuesday the Katie’s Ladies Circle has a lunch gathering scheduled at the Gray House in Starr.  Contact Beth Cribbe for more information.

  • On Wednesday afternoon/evening, we will have our next Family Fun Night in Fellowship Hall with food, fun, and fellowship as we take a look at the story of Jesus raising the little girl back from the dead.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer


You are invited to join us on Sunday afternoon, October 1st for an informal Service of the Blessing of Animals. We will gather in the back parking lot at 5:00 p.m. behind Fellowship Hall.

Bring your pets – dogs, cats, birds, snakes, turtles, fish, gerbils, lizards or anything else you consider to be a family pet.

10/21/23 8th Annual Deutsches Fest

On Saturday, October 21, from 4-7 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will host its 8th Annual Deutsches Fest, a German festival to celebrate our Lutheran heritage. We will again be inviting Abiding Savior Lutheran Church to join us. We will gather in our Fellowship Hall and dine on German foods like bratwurst, roast chicken and German side dishes. Beer, wine and softer beverages will be served. We will have German music, dancing and Gemütlichkeit, which does not have a
direct English translation but describes an atmosphere which is comfortable and enjoyable.

Tickets will be $12.00 for adults and $7.00 for children (12 and younger) and will be available from a Church Council member or through the church office beginning September 24th. Tickets need to be purchased in advance to help us with the planning of the food. The deadline to purchase tickets is Sunday, October 15th. All proceeds raised will be gifted to A.I.M. Food

If you’d be interested in making a German dish if we provide you with a recipe, please contact Virgil Hobbs. Mark your calendars now as we look forward to a wonderful afternoon/evening of fellowship for our congregation.


Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and its members have generously donated money over the years to
support organizations assisting people in need in Anderson County. The HTLC Mission
Endowment Fund has been a significant donor, distributing more than $28,000 in 2022 due to
stock market gains in 2021. However, in 2022, due to market losses and the fund’s operational
guidelines, the fund will not be able to distribute any grants in 2023 to organizations assisting
those in need in Anderson County.
We feel it is important for HTLC to maintain a notable presence with community charities,
especially in difficult economic times.
Over the past three years, the Endowment Fund of Holy Trinity has been able to provide a
total average of $10,483 per year, which has been divided and given to the following
1. A.I.M.
2. Good Neighbor Cupboard
3. Anderson Free Clinic
4. Haven of Rest
5. Salvation Army of Anderson
Despite their continuing needs, they will receive no HTLC Endowment Fund grants in 2023.
If you already donate directly to any of these organizations or wish to contribute, we encourage
you to consider donating through their existing, specific HTLC designated account by marking
your charity donation on your offering envelope. This way, HTLC aims to ensure a regular
contribution to these organizations even when the Endowment Fund faces limitations.
These five organizations are familiar to HTLC for their efficient provision of basic services to
Anderson County residents, and we believe they should be the top priorities for our support.
Thank you for considering this method of helping these charities. Your support will make a
meaningful difference in the lives of those in need in our community.
The Endowment Committee

9/3/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s happenings:


  1. The September Messenger was mailed out yesterday.  Hopefully your copy will arrive soon.

  2. Marlys Hittner moved to Brookdale yesterday.  Her new address is:  311 Simpson Road, M-2, Anderson, SC 29621

  3. We keep Bill Welborn in our prayers as he recovers from recent hip replacement surgery.

  4. We keep in our prayers Jill Helgeson who is recovering from COVID.  Sharon Christmas will be filling in for her as organist this Sunday.

  5. We keep in our prayers Mike Oates and his Duke Energy crew who are positioned in the Florence and Marion region of our state.  They are expected to be there for another day or two and then it will be determined if they head to Florida or return home.

  6. This coming Sunday, we are starting back our Youth Sunday School class.  Anna Caldwell and Connor Caldwell will be teach-teaching.  They will meet each week in the Youth Room of the Education Building beginning at 10:00 a.m.

  7. Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel reading, Matthew 16:21-28 as Peter rebukes Jesus and then Jesus returns the favor.  We will examine one of the greatest temptations of life.

  8. Don’t forget that my Adult Catechism classes begin next week as we explore the world of Baptism.  Each there is a class on Tuesday mornings and that same material will be repeated Thursday evenings.  I would love to see you there!

  9. For those traveling this Labor Day weekend, may the Lord watch over you and your family.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

All Youth 8th-12th grade are invited to our first informational meeting about the upcoming 2024 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. The meeting will be held on Sunday, September 24th, immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service. All eligible Youth and at least one of their parents are encouraged to attend. We will discuss the Gathering, travel plans, and lodging. Because of the cancellation of the last Gathering, the now Young Adults who missed the last event (due to COVID) are also eligible to attend in 2024 so they too are invited to attend the meeting. Lunch will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Goodson.

HTLC Youth Sunday School

Calling all HTLC youth!
We are giving this another shot! We hope you will join us for a casual Youth Sunday School class that follows the church lectionary. This will be a space where we will use scripture to guide discussion about school, current events, and whatever is going on in our lives. Connor Caldwell (ELCY Alum) and Anna Caldwell will be tag-teaming the leadership of this class, so please see either of them with any questions you may have. The class will be beginning on Sunday, September 3 in the Youth Sunday School Room right next door to the Choir Room. Our church may be small, thus our class may be small, but there will always be at least three of us, so no need to worry about being the only one! We are excited to see you there!

10/21/23 WELCA Fall Foothills Conference Meeting

Fall Foothills Conference Meeting
Saturday, October 21, 2023
St. Michael Lutheran Church
2619 Augusta Street
Greenville, SC 29605

Seasoned with Love

The women of St. Michael Lutheran Church WELCA are looking forward to hosting the Fall Foothills Conference on Saturday, October 21, from 10:00AM to 2:00PM in the church’s fellowship hall. You will be welcomed at the 9:30 a.m. registration with a light breakfast and coffee/juice.

We invite you to join us as a woman of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a child of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The guest speaker will be Mandy Learo, a representative of Jasmine Road in Greenville, whose mission is to provide a path to healing and employment for women survivors of sex trafficking, prostitution and addiction. Jasmine Road is modeled after the very successful Thistle Farms non profit which was founded over 20 years ago in Nashville, TN. Join us to hear about the mission, vision, history, residential program, and social enterprises that support and address the healing needs of each woman in this program. Our catered lunch will be prepared by Jasmine Kitchen, one of the numerous recovery opportunities that is a part of Jasmine Road.

Please RSVP by contacting Beth Fischer at fischerfive@att.net or text (864) 933-7446, if you are interested in going/carpooling, by Wednesday, September 27th .

Adult Choir practice

Choir practice will begin Wednesday, September 13th. Choir meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. to rehearse for the 11:00 a.m. service. The 8:45 a.m. choir meets after the Early Service every Sunday morning before the worship service and then after the service for the following week. No auditions required; all ages welcome! See Jill for more information.