Beginning Tuesday, the women of HTLC will meet every Tuesday evening from 6:00-7:00 p.m. to join together in studying the Bible! This Women’s Bible Study group is open to women of all ages, members and non-members, and is intended to be an informal setting in which the women of our congregation can come together in discipleship to learn about the joys our Lord has brought to us through His Word! No prior “experience” or formal bible study “training” is required! All women are encouraged to attend as you are able.
This group will begin with looking into the ways in which we approach Bible Study and how to make sure we are getting the most from our time spent with God’s Word. After that we will dive right in to some New Testament books and begin utilizing our new skills to discuss the knowledge the Lord reveals to us through our studies!
For more information or to sign up for email alerts regarding the start of our Women’s Bible Study group, please contact Lauren Guthre at leguthre@yahoo.com OR send a text or call (215) 589-9647. We hope to see you there!

For more information or to sign up for email alerts regarding the start of our Women’s Bible
Study group, please contact Lauren Guthre at leguthre@yahoo.com OR send a text or call (215)
589-9647. We hope to see you there!



Our next Family Fun Night will be on Wednesday, November 8th . We will meet in Fellowship Hall for a time of Food, Fun & Fellowship around a Biblical theme. Adults and Kids of all ages are invited to join us! There will be crafts, games, and song.

The meal will be provided.

WHEN: Wednesday, November 8th
TIME: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.


Every day brave individuals jeopardize their lives to safeguard our freedom and uphold cherished values. These are our Veterans, deserving of our appreciation and assistance. Now, it’s our opportunity to aid those who served by enhancing their welfare. Join the Service Committee in supporting veterans at the Richard M. Campbell Veterans’ Nursing Home. You can make a meaningful impact by donating requested items. Drop off your donations in the room off the Narthex beginning today and on November 5.

We will also be honoring our Holy Trinity Veterans during our church services on November 12th. We would like to have a list of all of those who are veterans.

If you have served, please let us know by contacting:
Jamie Corrigan (864-224-8070) jamiehcorrigan@gmail.com
Leslie Cox (301-788-9035) lwooddycox@hotmail.com

Requested Items:

1. Body Wash (no bar soap, please) 10. Diabetic Snacks
2. Body Spray or Cologne Sets 11. Skid-proof socks
3. Deodorants 12. Diabetic Socks
4. Individual Wrapped Snacks 13. T-Shirts (Medium through 5X)
5. Individual Puddings & Jello 14. Stress Balls
6. Individual Hot Chocolate Packs 15. Boxed Craft or Art Kits
7. Cheese Puffs 16. Batteries of all sizes
8. Popcorn (microwave) (including hearing aid batteries)
9. Soft drinks (small cans)

10/29/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates:

  • There will be no Sunday School classes on Sunday.

  • Don’t forget that with this coming Sunday being a 5th Sunday, we will have One-Combined worship service at 10:00 a.m.

  • Please fill out your Time and Talent sheets/ Pledge cards and bring them with you on Sunday.  Again, as part of the worship service, we will be blessing these commitments for 2024.

  • Please bring back your Trick-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat bags filled with needed items. You may bring them with you on Sunday, of course, or if you prefer, you may stop by the church at your convenience and leave it in the room to the right of the narthex.  If you were not in worship this past Sunday when they were passed out, you may come by the church before Sunday and pick up a bag.  They are in the narthex.   Again, this is one of two major food drives for AIM for the year that helps restock their empty shelves.

  • After worship, we will gather in Fellowship Hall for a Potluck Meal.  Please bring a dish to share.  The Fellowship Committee will be in Fellowship Hall by 9:30 a.m. if you would like to place your dish with them before worship.  They will be on hand to heat up all dishes (but not cook it).
  • Important: I cannot emphasize this enough, please make every effort to attend and support our 5th Sunday meals.  In April of this year and again in July, we only had 37 come over and participate in our Potluck meal.  I think that many believe they will not be missed, but that is not the case.  I would hate to see us discontinue our meals due to lack of participation.

  • Sunday is Reformation Sunday!  You are encouraged to wear something red for this festive occasion.  I will be preaching on our Second Reading, Romans 3:19-28, a text that changed the life of Martin Luther and the world’s view of God.  We will explore Luther’s struggle with “Getting Right With God.”

  • We will be recognizing all of our congregational Military Veterans on Veteran’s Sunday, November 12.  We would like to list all names in our bulletin that day.  If you are a miliary veteran and have not yet contacted Jamie Corrigan or Leslie Cox, simply send me a REPLY indicating which miliary branch you have served and I will get that information to them. 


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

10/22/23 Weekly Congregational Update

Dear Congregational Members and Friends of HTLC,


Here are this week’s updates:

  • We are eagerly looking forward to this year’s Deutsches Fest on Saturday.  The weather is expected to be a perfect fall afternoon.  This event takes place from 4:00-7:00 p.m.  Sometimes folks ask me what time they ought to arrive.  Technically, you can drop it anytime you like during those hours but I always suggest arriving at the beginning.  Some folks stay for an hour or two.  Some stay the whole time.  And some even stay afterwards, enjoying the wonderful fellowship. The choice is yours!

  • We are extremely grateful to Kim Hill and George Mason for delivering two wonderful Stewardship Temple Talks these past two Sundays.
  • While we are giving out a word of thanks, we are also grateful to Diane Ricardson for filling in the office this week as Pat took some time off.

  • We keep in our prayers, Barbara Thomas, who underwent hip replacement surgery earlier this morning.

  • Sunday will be Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday.  You are encouraged to wear something pink for this occasion.

  • By now you should have received a new Stewardship envelope for 2024.. We gave them out at both worship services and then those not picked up were mailed out earlier this week.  You are asked to prayerfully read over the material and then consider your involvement in our congregation in your Time, Talent, and Treasure.  This is your opportunity to indicate your willingness to serve next year on specific committees, serve on the altar guild, serve as lay reader and ushers, as well as provide flowers on that altar, among other things.   There will be an opportunity during Sunday’s worship service (and again on Sunday, October 29) where these pledges will be blessed.

  • Sunday, we will be giving out the Treat-Or-Treat-So-Others-May-Eat bags on the way out of worship.  Please fill these bags with needed food items (items labeled on the sides of the bags) and then return them the next Sunday.  All food items will be given to restock AIM’s Food Pantry.

  • Sunday is the deadline for all Youth to indicate whether they will be attending the 2024 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans.  If you have any questions, see Amy Goodson.

  • Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel text, Matthew 22:15-22, as we hear Jesus make the startling comment, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

  • Monday evening,  the Lutheran Men in Mission will gather for their monthly meeting in Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m.

  • Don’t forget that with Sunday, October 29, being a 5th Sunday, we will be having One-Combined worship service at 10:00 a.m. and then gather in Fellowship Hall for a potluck meal.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

Giving is Living Living is Giving

On Sunday, October 8th the Support Committee officially opened the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 2024 Stewardship
Campaign with Temple Talks at both services. This will take place again. This Campaign is our opportunity, as a Christian
Community, to commit our Time, Talent and money to the things we profess to believe. As Christians, in these troubled
times, it is more important than ever that we reach out with God’s Love to each other, to those who are in need, showing
God’s Love in action. We need to be a Living, Giving example of Christ.

Prior to each service on October 15th members of the Support Committee will be on hand to distribute Stewardship Packets.
Each packet will contain an Estimate of Giving Card and a Time and Talent Survey for each family member. Packets not
picked up will be mailed October 16th. Then on October 22nd and October 29th, during the worship service you will be given an opportunity to return your intentions to share, give and serve by returning your completed Estimate of Giving Card and your Time and Talent Survey during the appropriate time in the service. If you forget your card and survey, ushers will have
extras available that day…just ask. You may also mail your response directly to the church office. We hope to have all responses returned by November 5th.

Each of us has made a commitment to Christian Living and Giving! This is our opportunity to prayerfully formulate how that will play out in our lives in the coming year.

Truly…Giving…Time, Talent and Treasure…is Living!

10/15/23 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Good afternoon on this gorgeous fall day that the Lord has given us!  Here are this week’s updates:

  1. October 1, was the last Sunday our friends of the Ascension Anglican Church used our sanctuary and facilities.  They are extremely grateful for the use of our buildings since January 8 of this year, but after much discussion, they have decided to worship on Sunday morning.  Beginning this past Sunday, October 8, they began Sunday morning worship using Temple B’Nai Israel, just down the street from our front doors, on Oakland Street.  Their worship is at 10:00 a.m. and have agreed to park as much as possible just in front of their worship space, as well as in our back packing lot.  We are monitoring this each week to make sure that there is adequate parking for our folks of Holy Trinity.

  2. We will be celebrating the baptism of Lydia Grace Caldwell at the Early Service Sunday!

  3. Sunday is the LAST day to purchase Deutsches Fest tickets.  If you still need tickets, please see a Church Council member after the worship service. A reminder that all monies raised will be going to the AIM – Food Bank.

  4. I understand that some of our tickets from last year’s Deutsches Fest event may have been inadvertently mixed in with this year’s tickets.  If that is the case for you, no worries.  You will not have to join Marty McFly in his DeLorean to have them redeemed.  Your ticket will still be honored this year.

  5. Sunday, I will be preaching on the gospel’s text from Matthew 22:1-14.  Some thoughts to ponder:
    1. When is the last time we sent someone an RSVP to an event?
    2. Have you ever not responded to an RSVP invitation?
    3. How can not responding be a harmful thing?
    4. What is the big deal in this story with the man not wearing the proper wedding robe?
    5. How does this parable relate to God and His many invitations to us?

  6. Tonight is our final Adult Catechism Class.  We had 21 in attendance this past Tuesday morning! We will meet again tonight, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. as we connect the Scripture Readings, to the Church Calendar, to the colors on the altar.  Are you aware of just how many other denominations use the same readings we use each Sunday morning?  I say it again, even if you have not attended any of the other classes, come on out tonight.  We will meet in the Pairs and Spares room.


In Christ,

Pastor Fischer

11/12/23 Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting
At our next Congregational Meeting, Sunday, November 12th, (9:50 a.m.) we will be:
1) Electing four new Council Members for a 3-year term and
2) Approving the 2024 Church Budget.
Please Note: as per our Church Constitution, absentee ballots are not permissible.

Fall Foothills Conference Meeting

Fall Foothills Conference Meeting
Saturday, October 21, 2023
St. Michael Lutheran Church
2619 Augusta Street
Greenville, SC 29605
Seasoned with Love

The women of St. Michael Lutheran Church WELCA are looking forward to hosting the Fall Foothills Conference on Saturday, October 21, from 10:00AM to 2:00PM in the church’s fellowship hall. You will be welcomed at the 9:30 a.m. registration with a light breakfast and coffee/juice.

We invite you to join us as a woman of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a child of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The guest speaker will be Mandy Learo, a representative of Jasmine Road in Greenville, whose mission is to provide a path to healing and employment for women survivors of sex trafficking, prostitution and addiction. Jasmine Road is modeled after the very successful Thistle Farms non profit which was founded over 20 years ago in Nashville, TN. Join us to hear about the
mission, vision, history, residential program, and social enterprises that support and address the healing needs of each woman in this program. Our catered lunch will be prepared by Jasmine Kitchen, one of the numerous recovery opportunities that is a part of Jasmine Road.

Prayer Garden Beautification Project

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,

Prayer Garden Beautification Project
In 2002, members of the congregation gathered for the dedication of the Rev. Alton C. Clark Memorial Prayer Garden, located behind the original Church Parsonage. The guest speaker for the occasion was Pastor Clark’s son, the Rev. Marion W. Clark.
For the last 21 years, members of our congregation have lovingly worked the Garden, taking care and replanting various types of flowers and plants as needed. However, the time has come for our Prayer Garden to be refurbished and updated. With the addition of the Columbarium, the Prayer Garden now provides church members and friends of Holy Trinity a nice backdrop for Committal Services, as well a quiet space to pray and remember loved ones.

Rebecca Funderburk, sister-in-law to Mary Ann Hobbs, recently donated her time and expertise as a landscape designer to put together a Master Plan for our Prayer Garden and adjacent flower beds. At its meeting in September, the Church Council approved Irrigation Service and Repair to install an irrigation system for us in time for the Fall planting season. It was agreed that the irrigation system is the foundation for the success of the entire Prayer Garden project. The total cost of the irrigation system will be $3,800. To cover this cost, at its September meeting, the Church Council approved $2,545 from a Dedicated Account be used toward the installation of the irrigation system. We are now seeking funds from the congregation to cover the difference of $1,225.

If you would like to give toward the Prayer Garden Beautification Project, please make your check payable to Holy Trinity with “Prayer Garden” in the Memo. Funds received over and above the requested amount, will be used to purchase needed plants, shrubbery, and trees. If you would like more information on the project and/or to see the Prayer Garden Master Plan,
please see Connor Caldwell or Mary Ann Hobbs.